All members of the El Paso County Colorado School District 49 Board of Education were present at the June meeting, except for Dave Cruson, secretary, and John Graham, vice president. Both were absent with prior notice. No members of the student board of representatives attended.Before the regular meeting, the BOE held a ìFantastic 49î event and recognized the following: Jeri DeGeorge, job transition coach, for her commitment to students with special needs; Pam Lewis, innovation specialist in the POWER zone, for her work developing student portfolios to help guide students throughout their educational experience; Cathy Tinucci, principal at Skyview Middle School, for her work on innovator pathways and student portfolios; and Sarah Temple, dean of pathway learning at Vista Ridge High School, for her work on student portfolios.Chief officersí updatePeter Hilts, chief education officer, said the three chief officers have started ìrounding,î which entails visiting various schools to listen to staff voice their concerns. He said one major concern was the shortage of substitute teachers. The Colorado Department of Education gave the district a waiver that allows unlicensed but qualified people to become substitute teachers.Pedro Almeida, chief operations officer, said the building for the Academy for Literacy, Learning and Innovation Excellence at Odyssey Elementary School is complete. He said the summer food program at Evans International Elementary School is underway, where all D 49 students can receive a free breakfast and lunch each school day.Action itemsThe board unanimously approved the following:
- Renewal of the charter school applications for the following: Rocky Mountain Classical Academy, GOAL Academy and Imagine Indigo Ranch
- Requests from Banning Lewis Ranch Academy and Pikes Peak School of Expeditionary Learning to waive some requirements related to the Teacher Employment Act and preschool readiness plan reporting.
- Revisions to policies regarding professional staff; instructional staff transfer and vacancy; teacher displacement; and continuing enrollment of students who become nonresidents
- Update and renewal of the contract between D 49 and Community Partnership for Child Development ñ Head Start
- A calendar change for the 2018-2019 school year to designate May 3, 2019, as an elementary assessment day and May 10 as a professional development day
- A resolution to establish El Paso County Colorado School District 49 as the common and legal identity for D 49
- Revised job description of student information and system data and reporting analyst