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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

January FFPD board meeting

Discussions at the Jan. 17 board meeting of the Falcon Fire Protection District covered last yearís budget information, fire codes, the election of new directors and a health and wellness program for firefighters. 2009 International Fire Code adoptionAt the regularly scheduled meeting of the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners in January, the FFPD’s request for approval of the 2009 IFC, with local amendments, was withdrawn from the consent calendar, at the request of the commissioners, said Trent Harwig, fire chief.At a Jan. 10 work session, Harwig reported that some districts still operate under the 2003 IFC. Harwig said he and fire chiefs from eight other districts and two municipalities agreed that adopting the 2009 IFC, with amendments, would allow for consistency across the county.One challenging code requirement is the installation of sprinkler systems. Both the 2003 and 2009 codes mandate that a structure 12,000 square feet or larger must have an automated sprinkler system, Harwig said. However, both codes were amended in March 2006 to mandate sprinkler systems for structures 6,000 square feet or larger, but the amendment was approved without community input. Amy Lathen, the BOCC chairwoman, said the commissioners pulled the item from the consent calendar at the Jan. 17 meeting to allow for a community discussion. In 2006, there was no discussion on the code,î Lathen said. ìWe’ve been asked to allow the community to have a part in that discussion, and we’re just trying to make sure everyone’s voice is heard.îBattalion Chief Vernon Champlin said the districts agreed the code should be written or amended to fit the capabilities of the departments.ìWith 130 square miles in our district and only two staffed departments, that’s a 65-mile radius each department has to cover,î Champlin said. For Colorado Springs, the city is roughly 200 square miles, but has 20 different departments, meaning only a 10-mile radius of coverage per department. ìSprinkler systems allow us to keep that fire in check until we can get there,î he said.The Regional Building Department will facilitate community meetings, Lathen said.May electionThe board discussed the May election of board members. The final day to apply as a candidate is March 2. The board passed a resolution to authorize the May 8 election of three board directors to serve four years each. Directors Dan Kupferer, Mike Collins and Casey Shifflet currently hold the seats up for election. Leon Gomes was appointed as the designated election official. Voting will be held at Fire Station 3.District health and wellness programKupferer and firefighter Matt Seube presented information about implementing a district-wide health and wellness program. ìWe want to give them (firefighters) opportunities to get themselves fit,î Kupferer said. He said the idea for this program came after he and Seube spoke with several firefighters after the December board meeting.The program would not be punitive, Kupferer said. ìWe would hold annual evaluations to see if people have gotten better, worse or stayed the same,î he said. ìWe would provide a structured program to assist people to get them better fit to perform their jobs more effectively. The decision about whether or not they can perform their job wouldn’t be up to us, though.îKupferer said he wanted to get a consensus from the board to pursue the program and then address it at February’s meeting. The board directed Kupferer and Seube to draft a proposal with input from legal counsel.Treasurer’s reportHarwig presented the final budget report for 2011, stating that 93 percent of the budget was used for the total expenditures in the district. ìWe spent $136,000 less than what we budgeted for,î he said.Harwig also informed the board that the district received a refund from the county for its initial deposit for November’s election.Other newsBy the end of January, Harwig said he anticipated filling the two vacant lieutenant positions. He also said the district hopes to hold a fire academy in April, after filling the training positions. Harwig said 19 EMS reservists are interested in attending the academy.The board also discussed issues regarding paid time off, sick leave and vacation time. Further discussions on those subjects were tabled until Februaryís meeting.

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