Business Briefs

JAKs moving to Shops at Meridian

JAKs Brewing Co. has outgrown its current space at 7654 McLaughlin Road, and has signed a lease with The Shops at Meridian Ranch, at the corner of Meridian Road and Stapleton Drive. ìWe have a brewing system, and we can only make so much beer but we have reached a cap with our production level,î said Kyal Copenhaver said. ìIt is a great problem to have, but it is a problem.îThe new space will expand the current tap room about three times, and the new brew room will be about the size of the entire space JAKs currently occupies, Copenhaver said.JAKs will continue to host the food trucks, which was a condition of the lease.A tentative moving date is scheduled for mid-January. The brewery will be closed for about two weeks for moving purposes. Copenhaver said they hope to be ready to open Feb. 1.ìWe are going to try to be open every day, from about noon to 10 p.m., which is longer than we are open now since we have more space,î Copenhaver said. ìWe still want to keep the neighborhood brewery feel, though.

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