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Health and Wellness

It’s allergy season again!!

For those who suffer from allergies, this can be a miserable time of year. Eyes start watering, noses run (or don’t because of congestion), eyes itch, sleep is disrupted, and it is just plain difficult to concentrate when your face feels full.What is an allergy and why does it occur?Allergies occur because of an inappropriate immune system response that is exaggerated in proportion to the offending allergen. An allergen is the substance that causes an allergic reaction. When the immune system overreacts to an allergen, an allergic reaction or sensitivity occurs. This overreaction is a production of neutralizing chemicals (histamine in particular) to counteract the allergen.Allergens can be many and varied: pollen, dog or cat dander, soaps, even foods like tomatoes, wheat or milk. Most people can be exposed to any of these things and not have a reaction, but there are those who have an immune system that just overreacts to the substance.Unfortunately, it is not known exactly why allergies occur. Why does one person’s immune system overreact and another’s does not? When the body has to respond to an allergen and releases histamine, it can cause inflammation as well as other symptoms. Antihistamines are often prescribed to counteract these effects. The antihistamines will dry up nasal passages and can decrease the discomfort of itching, but they do not correct the fact that the immune system overreacted.Although chiropractic is not a treatment for diseases, allergies included, it can help relieve the body of the discomforts that allergies cause, simply by allowing the nervous system to function with less stress and more effectiveness. Chiropractic is a method of health care that permits your body to function at its best.Our immune systems are always working. If anything comes into contact with our bodies that isn’t supposed to be there, the immune system will recognize it and try to destroy it or remove it. Things like pollen, dust and bacteria that are not meant to be in our body (or an unusually high quantity of one), tumors, even drugs or donor organs can trigger a reaction.A healthy immune system means high resistance to disease and infection. It means that the body will be better able to deal with environmental stresses. The immune system is one of the most complex and sensitive systems in our body. It is influenced by our diet, our nervous system and emotional and mental stress. If the immune system malfunctions, this could lead to many problems. It may fail to remove abnormal cells or unwanted bacteria, or it may fail to overreact to these foreign substances and quite possibly attack the body it is supposed to defend.Allergies make people miserable. By strengthening and supporting your natural immune system, it may be possible to change how your body reacts to these foreign invaders. A stronger immune system is capable of neutralizing toxic substances, something a malfunctioning immune system is incapable of doing. By utilizing chiropractic, you can help your nervous system to function more effectively, and thereby may be able to strengthen the immune response to these substances.Palmer

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