Dear Editor,I attended the Town Hall meeting on Jan. 22. I left when it started turning into a “who shot John” session. There is not one member of this committee who has lived in the Falcon area for more than seven years. Yet they claim to know what all of the residents want or need.The committee seems to be using the annexation issue as a lever to confuse everyone. Until they disprove the amendment to Article II of the state constitution, it is merely a rumor and everyone is basing a life altering decision on it.Mr. Hurd made this statement to Kathleen Wallace, a writer for the NFH. Security: “The Sheriff’s Office gets 15 to 17 calls a day from the Falcon area. The response time is usually good, but sometimes it’s 30 minutes to two hours.” The Sheriff’s Web site (http: shows that the Woodmen Hills Falcon area had a total of 755 calls and responses between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2010. That averages out to 2.068 calls per day (755/365). Suggested voter questions:1) Do any of the committee members plan to seek public office?2) Besides the stated reasons, what other motivating factors make incorporation so important to the CFABF members? 3) Since the $750,000 we pay to the county now for the following services – police protection, fire protection, emergency medical response, road and bridge maintenance, street lighting (traffic signals and lighting), snow removal, and so much more – would not be sufficient, in Mr. Hurds words, to fund a small town; why would we possibly want to give up county support to be a town?My stance and possibly that of every Falcon resident who voted against the incorporation in 2007 is this: I am “In Control” of what I want to be “In Control” of. I pay my property taxes to El Paso County to take care of the rest, and this leaves me free to live my life and to pursue my goals unfettered by another layer of government bureaucracy.Art Wilson
Incorporation meeting
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