Very expensive proposalìI thought I was being brilliant and creative,î said Kirk Gunner. ìI brought my girlfriend to her hometown in Hawaii to propose at the top of a lookout point over the Pacific. Everything was perfect, including the pink sky, my best friend the photographer, and the weather, but when I proposed I brought a ring that was a little too big, and it slipped off her finger when we were hugging after her ëyesí and through the cracks of the lookout pointís viewing deck. Somewhere in the Pacific off Kona thereís a $5,000 ring if anyone is looking for buried treasure.îLame proposals ó what?
- Roses are red, snow is white, the sky is blue, New York is yellow, the grass is green and all these colors are bright and magnificent. But with all that glamour, nothing supersedes your beauty. Even the rainbow envy you. Marry me, my queen!
- I have written your name in the sand but it ends up being washed awayÖ Iíve written your name in the clouds and it ends up being blown Ö I had to have it as a tattoo in my heart. Itís permanent and glamorous.