The issues we face today are often muddled by a plethora of media outlets. Whom to believe? Often, the points of the issues can get distorted or exaggerated. And all too often, we don’t discuss the issues, and when we do, we don’t always listen with an open mind. We hang on to our opinions like a spider to its web. Most of the issues are not black and white; they’re gray.This column is not about one particular person’s opinion. This column is about “why and how.” The sources are reputable organizations. If we don’t include statistics in some areas, it’s because we don’t trust where they came from. Stats can be skewed to anyone’s agenda, too.Any national issue is up for discussion. We’ll take it on – with respect to all sides.Few issues do more to polarize Americans than immigration.Arizona’s recent legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants – Senate Bill 1070 – is proof that the immigration debate is as heated as Phoenix in July.On April 23, Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed Senate Bill 1070 into law, but before the bill went into effect in July, the U.S. Department of Justice filed an injunction against it – and won in part in U.S. District Court. Under the full extent of the new law, legal immigrants must carry their documentation papers with them at all times. The law requires that police verify the legal status of individuals during the course of a traffic stop or any other encounter with a law enforcement officer. Also written in the law is a provision that allows law enforcement officers to request proper identification when there is “reasonable suspicion” that a person is in the U.S. illegally. The law also increases penalties against those who employ illegal immigrants or those who harbor or transport illegal immigrants. Cities that have operated as “sanctuary cities” – safe havens for undocumented workers – will be banned under SB 1070.The injunctions against SB 1070 blocked Arizona police from intercepting people of “reasonable suspicion” and asking for their identification. The injunction disallowed any authorization of a “warrantless arrest of a person if there is reason to believe that person might be subject to deportation.” The injunction also nixed some parts of the provision mandating that immigrants carry their papers with them at all times.Arizona has appealed the injunction, but the National Immigration Law Center and a coalition of civil rights groups, among them the ACLU and the NAACP, filed a lawsuit in May challenging the constitutionality of SB 1070. Pros and Cons of SB 1070Proponents of SB 1070 say enforcing immigration laws is the right thing to do. It’s not about ethnicity; it’s about trespassing and violating the laws. Lawmakers in Arizona hope that SB 1070 encourages undocumented immigrants to go back to their country on their own, rather than face jail, and that it discourages employers from hiring illegal immigrants.Opponents of the Arizona law argue that SB 1070 promotes racial profiling. They say it’s harassment to ask people for their papers, and, as one Washington Post columnist opined, the law creates a “suspect class … considered guilty until proven innocent.” The new law also creates an aggressive environment for legal immigrants and permeates suspicion or hostility among neighbors, police officers, co-workers and government officials.The new law is popular with Arizona voters, however. A Rasmussen poll found that 70 percent of voters approved the new bill.Crime is a factor in their decision. The Maricopa County (Phoenix) Attorney’s Office found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants.In September, the Department of Justice also sued the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, because of alleged civil rights violations within the department. Sheriff Joe is one of the toughest law enforcement cops in the country. And many Arizona residents are behind Sheriff Joe.Proponents also feel that America’s own identity is disappearing; instead, the country is divided by “multiculturism.” There are concerns about jobs, health care and education: Illegal immigrants are adversely affecting a broken economy. Opponents say that Arizona is usurping federal law. Federal law vs. state lawThe population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. actually dropped in 2009. According to the Department of Homeland Security, the number of illegal immigrants in the country in 2008 was 11.6 million; in 2009, 10.8 million. Many cite the barren job market for the decline. Mexicans comprise the largest population of illegal immigrants. From 2008 to 2009, there were 380,000 fewer Mexicans in the U.S., or a total of 6.65 million.Until SB 1070, immigration issues have been under the jurisdiction of federal law, which determines who is allowed to enter the U.S. and for how long. The feds also map out the rules for U.S. citizenship and govern the nation’s borders. Congress has authority over the federal immigration law; the president has no judicial powers, except in the case of refugees – “aliens with a fear of persecution upon returning to their homelands.” According to the federal law as of February 2010, states have limited authority concerning immigration issues. Federal law dictates that “the Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or more States. The Supreme Court shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of all actions or proceedings to which ambassadors, other public ministers, consuls, or vice consuls of foreign states are parties; all controversies between the United States and a state; all actions or proceedings by a state against the citizens of another state or against aliens.”Naysayers of SB 1070 say the Arizona law is in direct conflict with the federal law and jeopardizes the federal government’s ability to enforce immigration laws. They fear that federal government efforts would be focused on deporting nonviolent immigrants in Arizona, instead of using resources to find criminally violent illegal residents in all states.They have a dreamIn 2009, Sen. Richard Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, and Sen. Richard Lugar, a Republican from Indiana, were among those who introduced the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act. Under the DREAM Act, undocumented immigrant students meeting the qualifications would be eligible for conditional permanent residency, which means they would be able to drive, work and travel. The DREAM Act amends the Defense Authorization Act and is part of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repeal.The DREAM Act allows conditional residency for six years; after, persons can be granted legal permanent residency if they have completed two years in a program for a bachelor’s or higher degree or have served honorably in the armed forces for at least two years.Eligible applicants must have entered the U.S. before age 16 (15 and younger). They must have resided in the states for five consecutive years prior to the enactment of the bill. They must have graduated from a U.S. high school or obtained a GED or have been accepted into an institution of higher education. And they must have good moral character.The act covers all youths brought to the U.S., even those brought here illegally.Strict immigration reformists have lobbied against this act since its inception. But proponents argue that most of the students are “culturally American.” They have been in the system for most of their school years and know nothing different. Their first language is English. However, they are discouraged from seeking a higher education because they can’t afford it (and they can’t work), and they are often turned away from colleges and universities. They cannot legally drive and can’t vote. Some are deported back to a country they barely know. They are not at fault for their parents’ decisions.The Immigration Policy Center cites the following statistics.
- There are about 1.5 million undocumented children in the U.S.
- About 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high school each year.
- About 114,000 potential beneficiaries with at least an associate’s degree would be immediately eligible for legal permanent residency status.
- Another 612,000 potential beneficiaries who have graduated from high school or received a GED would be eligible for conditional status.