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Horse clinic teaches skills, tips and tricks

Over the course of a weekend, horse enthusiasts of all ages learned riding skills from Carson James at a two-day horsemanship clinic on July 30 and July 31 at Equine 808 Horse Rescue in Ellicott, Colorado.The clinics sponsored by Equine 808 fund programs for the nonprofit organization, said Betina Tacorante, president of Equine 808 Horse RescueParticipants brought their horses to the clinic, and James instructed the riders on ground work, basic horsemanship and horsemanship fundamentals throughout the weekend. According to James’ website, the clinics “take a deep look into helping your horse understand what you’re asking from him so that he can cooperate willingly.”†Clinic participants learned tips and skills on creating ìlifeî in a horse, front-end control, hind-end control, speed control, reign management, foot placement, stops, balanced turns and more. Students also learned to “look for and feel these small changes that many horse owners miss or dismiss as unimportant, but in reality, they are what make all the difference.”Equine 808 Horse Rescue is a nonprofit organization that offers emergency relief, refuge, medical care, rehabilitation and adoption services to horses, along with education on proper horse ownership, responsibility and health care to horse owners. The organization began operations in 2008 and provides services in Colorado and Hawaii.For more information on Equine 808 Horse Rescue, visit††For more information on Carson James, visit†

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