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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Holiday wishes from FFPD

Itís that time again when trees and houses are adorned with sparkling lights, family and friends brave crowded airports or long stretches of highway and shopping frenzy reaches its yearly peak. But not all gifts can be found in a mall or at an online retailer. Read what the members of the Falcon Fire Protection District want for the holidays.Undistracted and sober drivers on the roads: Falconís firefighters and emergency service personnel want everyone to arrive safely at their destinations this holiday season ñ- and year round, too. So, put down the phone (those calls and texts really can wait) and donít drink and drive.Drivers who slow down around emergency scenes: Impatient and inattentive drivers who speed past traffic accidents or other emergency scenes put firefighters, EMS personnel and other motorists in danger. Please slow down when approaching and driving past emergency scenes, and donít forget to ìpull to the right for sirens and lights.îWorking smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in every home: These relatively inexpensive devices are proven to save lives, but should be replaced every 10 years. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms make great stocking stuffers, so why not buy them for loved ones this holiday season? Better yet, why not offer to help family and friends install new alarms if they canít?More mitigated properties: Recent wildfires have proven the value of fire mitigation in forested areas, but homeowners in the grasslands can also benefit from vegetation management. Simply put, less fuel (grass, weeds, bushes, trees, etc.) mean slower fire growth and spread should a wildfire occur. To request a property assessment any time of the year, call 719-495-4050. More information can also be found at and Be ìfire wiseî and help firefighters help the community. ìB.A.R.K.î on every rig: Earlier this year, the Animal Angels Resource Foundation presented FFPD with a B.A.R.K (Breath of Air Recovery Kit) that contains oxygen masks specifically designed to fit animals. FFPD first used the B.A.R.K. in October to revive a cat involved in a house fire. The nonprofit AARF relies solely on donations to provide the kits to fire departments. To learn more about sponsoring a kit or making a donation, go to or email new fire engine: OK, who wouldnít want to see a shiny new red truck in the driveway on Christmas morning? The FFPD board is working on vehicle replacement as part of a long-term strategic plan because fire apparatus ages and wears out, just like any other vehicle. However, if anyone would like to gift the district with a brand-new fire engine, the firefighters surely wouldnít object.More elves ñ- er, firefighters: Longtime Falcon residents are all too aware of explosive growth in the area over the past 20 years. More homes and businesses mean more calls for firefighters and EMS personnel. When the FFPD hired its first paid firefighters in 2000, the department ran about 500 calls a year. Now, the annual average is between 1,800 and 2,000 alarms. FFPD can always use more qualified reserve firefighters. To learn more, go to new fire station in FFPDís District 4: An additional station in the vicinity of the Claremont Ranch and Feathergrass neighborhoods would reduce response times and bring quicker emergency response services to the southern part of the district. This is a big item on the list going to Santa this year.Safe and peaceful holidays for all: Above all, FFPD members want everyone to enjoy the holiday season ó and have a prosperous 2015.

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