The December AARP chapter meeting at the Black Forest Lutheran Church observed the†holidays with the usual meeting format, embellished with a sing-along program led by Kay†Zvonkovich and the Spirit of Grace Choral Group from Our Lady of the Pines Roman Catholic†Church in Black Forest. A drawing for many gaily-wrapped gifts reflecting the season followed the†program.The lunch featured extensive catered entrees, supplemented by many delicious side dishes†and desserts furnished by the members.The needs of others were not forgotten. Chapter members turned in 17 large filled†holiday stockings that the Salvation Army will present to children who may not receive any other†item during the Christmas holidays. Members were also thanked for participating in the collection†of many items needed for a Native American Christmas relief project for seniors, sponsored by the†Black Forest Lutheran Church. In addition, chapter members Ray and Lin Rozak and Diane†Apodaca were recognized for their exceptional service and support to the chapter over the past two†years.The annual election of chapter officers was conducted during the short business meeting†that followed. The elected officers will be installed at the Jan. 13 chapter meeting that starts†at noon. The program for the January meeting is ìTax Changes for 2016.îIndividuals interested in becoming Black Forest AARP Chapter members can visit†any meeting. The chapter motto, ìTo Serve, Not to be Served,î reflects the chapterís active and†ongoing dedication to community service. Visit the chapter web site at††for the projected calendar of events and information†on chapter activities.†For more information, contact Chuck at 719-749-9227.
Holiday celebration
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