The capability of an emergency response crew to quickly find the correct address of a building in an emergency is critical.Time lost trying to find an address may be time lost trying to save a life. Many factors may hinder our efforts to assist you, your family or friends when time is critical to the outcome of an emergency. Many factors like inclement weather, heavy traffic or road construction projects are out of our control. However, we make a strong effort to alleviate the factors in our control that may slow response times.One of these factors that can drastically delay response times is address identification. We currently have a staggering number of residents who have overlooked the importance of having highly visible address identification numbers. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to alleviate this problem except to inform our citizens of the importance and assist in obtaining the best option possible for numbering.The uniform fire code requires new construction to place address numbers at least five inches in height and no smaller than one-half-inch stroke. The address must be plainly visible from the street and visible from a distance of at least 100 feet from the structure. Illumination at or near the address may be necessary to ensure visibility at night.The address numbers must be represented in block numbers that contrast in color with their background; reflective numbers are highly recommended. This alleviates problems with future housing, but it is not required for existing housing.For houses that are off the street more than 100 feet, it is imperative to have the highly visible address located on either a mailbox or post (preferably a post) located at the driveway entrance. You should be able to read the address from either side of the mailbox or post. We also recommend the same type of sizing and color contrast as previously stated.Residential entrances that serve multiple addresses also need separated address identifiers posted at driveways off the main entrance. What we ask as is for you to ask yourself the question, “Will the fire department be able to easily find my home?” If the answer is no or questionable, we encourage you to please contact the fire department, and we will be more than happy to assist you in obtaining the materials needed. As time permits, we will assist you with placing the numbers in the appropriate location.Contact the fire department at 495-4050 and ask to speak with someone about the address identification program.
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