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Health and Wellness

Has your gut spring a leak?

Several years ago, Newsweek published an article, “Gut Reactions,” in which they reported that tiny leaks in the lining of the small intestine may play a role in diseases as diverse as asthma and arthritis (Newsweek, Nov. 17, 1997). The lining of our intestine is meant not only to absorb food bu also to act as a barrier to keep out invading pathogens. Newsweek calls it “intestinal fortitude,” where the mucosal layer of a healthy gut filters out microorganisms and undigested proteins. When things like aspirin, bacteria or even pesticides that are sprayed on our food batter this lining, the lining loses its integrity. This is when bacteria, viruses, parasites and even undigested food molecules, which can activate the immune and autoimmune systems, infiltrate our system. We refer to this loss of integrity as “the leaky gut syndrome.”There are several symptoms related to leaky gut, like fatigue, arthralgia (joint pain), myalgia (muscle pain), fever, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, skin rashes, toxic feelings, memory deficit and shortness of breath (Leo Galland, MD).No disease needs to be present to warrant protecting the intestinal lining; keeping this immune barrier healthy helps to keep us strong and disease resistant. People who smoke, drink, take aspirin, ibuprofen/antibiotics/drugs, are exposed to environmental toxins, have poor digestion or sluggish liver detoxification, or people who store toxins or have bacterial/microbial infections or inflammation are at high risk for intestinal permeability.The first step in correcting or preventing leaky gut syndrome is looking at the digestive system, where the stomach starts to break down our food and act as a barrier to bacterial and viral invasion, where the pancreatic enzymes aid in food breakdown and nutrient absorption. It has been said that we aren’t what we eat – we are what we absorb! Overwhelming evidence shows that food enzymes play an important role in digestion by predigesting food in the upper stomach before hydrochloric acid is ever secreted.Food enzymes are essentially destroyed at 118 degrees F; thus, most modern methods of food preparation leave food void of digestive enzyme activity. Supplementing with plant enzymes, such as amylase, protease, lipase, lactase and cellulose, are beneficial to the digestion process. They can also facilitate the utilization of a much larger amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat, as compared to salivary enzymes.The second step is making sure the gut lining is not “leaky.” Most people have some degree of leakiness, from exposure to toxins, aspirin/ibuprofen or other medications, bacterial/viral infections, disease, etc. Nutrients like glutamine and N-acetyl glucosamine, along with minerals like zinc and herbs, such as cat’s claw, help heal the gut lining, boost the immune system, improve nutrient absorption and prevent bacterial and viral invasion.The third step is making sure that the everyday toxins we are exposed to do not build up in our system. We also need to ensure that a daily detox is removing stored toxins. We are exposed to an amazing amount of toxins from environmental poisons to cell waste that are not properly eliminated. As these build up, we lose the ability to ward off disease, and the body starts to break down. This is why it is important to detox through the liver, lungs, bowels, kidneys, skin, lymph and blood.The fourth step is balancing bowel flora. Poor diets, antibiotics, candida and a host of other factors beat down one of the most valuable assets to our immune system – our natural probiotics.Realizing the gut is a major defense for our body against disease, and knowing that it can become leaky, increasing our susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and other problems gives us reason to take better care of it. All of the nutrients listed above are available in pharmaceutical grade at my office, Falcon Chiropractic Wellness Center. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 494-0222.

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