Woodmen Hills resident Gary Burrs has been in the spa industry for 19 years ñ sales and management for 14 of those years. Burrs has won numerous industry awards for salesmanship, professionalism and customer service.In January, Burrs brought his skills and experience to Hanson HotSpring, where he transitioned from another spa company. ìHaving worked at the competitor, Hansen was always brought up as the leader in the industry,î Burr said. ìI wanted to work for the leader.îHanson HotSpring expanded to the northeast corner of Dublin and Academy and increased both its retail space and employee base by 50 percent. Owner Andy Rusk said 45 to 50 hot tubs are displayed at any given time to encourage customers to come in and have a ìtest soak.îBurrs has lived in Falcon since August 2005 and has a 13-year-old son.
Hanson Spa hires award-winning rep from Falcon
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