After months of stagnation, the School District 49 Board of Education came together at Juneís end to unanimously approve 22 action items that had been put on hold. Although Tammy Harold, board president, said discord among board members caused the disruption, all members now say it is time to move forward.But letting bygones be bygones could be a bit premature.Board members Chris Wright and Chuck Irons have been critical of board president Tammy Haroldís management style. Although Wright supports the new board member, he said Harold should step down as president.ìI think that having a full sitting board is going to help good principles be practiced and that Allen (new board member) will bring a sense of equilibrium to the board,î Wright said.However, he added, ìI think it would be in the best interest of the district if she (Harold) stepped down. I don’t think she has the true vision for innovation. I don’t think she can lead the board to create the type of autonomy that teachers and parents need. I will continue to work with the board if she doesn’t step down, though.îìDirector Chris Wright and I were on the board with the prior president, who ran things differently,î Harold said. ìIt’s just getting used to the new way of leadership because it’s a different leadership style than we had in the past.îWright first asked for Haroldís resignation at the April meeting, and Wright and Irons submitted a letter to Harold and the board to outline changes to board policies they deemed necessary.ìAnybody who has a reasonable mind who looks at the 11 points we’ve outlined will see that we aren’t trying to get power,î Wright said. ìWe’re trying to get the board to run correctly.îWright sent The New Falcon Herald the summary of changes: (the following is verbatim)
- All meetings will be published with a minimum of 72 hours public notification.
- No more than one special meeting per month
- Two board members must attend all agenda-setting meetings.
- Monthly board meetings and work sessions will have designated times (one in the evening and one during the morning).
- The Board will hold public open sessions on a quarterly basis.
- Hiring committees for Board of Education direct reports will be subject to Board approval.
- The Board president may be removed by a majority vote of no confidence from the Board.
- The Board president may not characterize the Board of Education’s united perspective on issues prior to an open public discussion by the entire Board, and ensure that no personal comments are perceived as Board policy.
- Board leadership and/or members may not use position or status to unduly influence administration, employees or community members from presenting proposals to the entire Board of Education for discussion.
- The Board must define its role as a policy-driven entity.
- New Board leadership should be put into place.
Chuck Irons outlined six areas the Innovation Initiative needs to focus on in the future:
- Teacher’s pay ñ look at performance compensation and reward excellent teachers
- Finance ñ look at additional enhancements to pass so funding goes directly to individual schools
- Curriculum ñ look at the vocational curriculum and develop further; look at the early literacy curriculum in kindergarten through fourth grade; enhance the innovation of virtual or online classes into the traditional environment
- Parental involvement ñ the key to innovation is involvement of the parents at the school level
- Operational support ñ improve the efficiencies in the business models in the operational support side of the district to support the educational side
- Special education ñ 10 percent of the student population is involved in the special education arena in one way or another. Irons said, ìWe need to figure out how to use technology to enhance our productivity there.î