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Goals: 2013

The NFH writers and advertising sales staff reveal their resolutions for 2013!I will try to quit smoking.- Don JosleynTake care of my health.- Christel BlaylockI resolve to more effectively manage my time by leveraging my ability to say ‘no’.- Michelle BarretteIn 2012: graduated from Charis Bible College, celebrated 50 years of marriage with our six children (including 8th grader and 1st grader), attended wedding of our eldest granddaughter and birth of 12th grandchild, as we pastor Living Streams Church in Woodland Park.† Resolution for 2013 is to share the Word of God with the people we meet and greet throughout the year. Happy New Year.- Bill SinclairAs for resolutions, I always have the standard ìwork out more, eat better resolution,î but I am trying to think of something that No. 1, I might stick to, and No. 2, enjoy a little more! So, for this year, along with the working out, I am hoping to keep my resolution of trying to maintain as positive an attitude as I can, and let the little stuff float away. I hope to unwind more, enjoy the small pleasures and take notice of the great things happening all around me. I want to take nothing for granted in life.- Alli GriffinStart writing my book about my life experiences.- Angie MorlanI can’t even recall the last time I even made a New Year’s resolution. Sure, there are some things I hope to accomplish in 2013, but I’ve long believed that personal growth and improvement are a never-ending process. Nobody is perfect ñ I know I’m not ñ but each of us can always strive to be better. May you all have a peaceful and prosperous 2013.- Robin WidmarFor those of you who donít know me, I can be a bit intense. Anyway, this year my resolution is to let go and just have fun. Too often I find myself getting frustrated and stressed out over things that really donít matter in the long run. I am so blessed in my life with a wonderful husband, fantastic (albeit insane) children, a job I love and truthfully, thereís not much that canít be solved with one of three things: chocolate, music or wine. So, if you happen to see me out and about in Falcon, singing along to a song in my head or eating some peanut M&Ms, youíll know that Iím working to achieve my New Yearís resolution. Feel free to join me!- Lindsey HarrisonOrganize!My New Yearís resolution is to be more organized. Using a hint from ìWillpower,î the book I reviewed this month, Iíve begun a ìTo Doî list. 1) Remove last yearís statements from my accounts file before the end of January. I never usually get around to this until the file drawer is packed so tight that I canít open it. 2) Clean out my bedroom closet, discarding or donating clothes I havenít worn in the last year. OK, maybe the last three years. 3) Find the top of my desk, filing or tossing all those papers I thought I just had to keep. 4) File or delete messages in my email Inbox. 5) Start a new address book, my current one is filled with addresses and numbers that have been crossed out three times because people move or change their phone numbers so often. 6) Organize my kitchen cabinets, thus cutting in half the time it takes me to cook a meal. If I accomplish three of these before March, Iíll proclaim 2013 to be a productive year!Best of luck with your resolution,-Kathy HareDitto Kathyís (and then some)- Marylou Doehrman Bride

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