ï I think the all-time winner is probably the time when Riley was about 9 months old and fell asleep in the car on the way to dinner. My husband, Todd, and I transferred her from the car seat to the stroller, but didnít strap her in. Halfway through dinner, a gentleman tapped me on the shoulder and asked, ìMaíam, is that your baby on the floor?î Michelle Tunno Buelowï I once went to pick Hudson and Thatcher up at preschool and asked Thatcher where one of his shoes was. The teacher gently and sweetly explained that, actually, I had dropped Thatcher off only wearing one shoe. Genevieve Custer Weeksï Any time my daughter sees a wine glass, she points and yells, ìMAMA!î Meg Hallï My mother had just finished taking a CPR class at a local college when she and I were in the mall and saw a big crowd gathered around a still body. Mom took off running at a speed I didnít know she could muster, yelling, ìEveryone back! I know CPR!î Just as she threw herself next to the body and was about to begin, a pair of strong hands pulled her to her feet. ìMaíam,î said a police officer beside her, ìwe are trying to arrest this man.î Talea Torresï Here is a funny example of mom-texting gone wrong, from anonymous.Mom: Your great aunt just passed away. LOLSon: Why is that funny?Mom: Itís not funny, David.Son: LOL means laughing out loud, mom.Mom: OHMGSH I sent that to everyone, I thought it meant Lots of Love.