The El Paso County Fair, held in Calhan every year, took place the week of July 20 to July 27. Open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day, the fair offered a little something for everyone.Vendors supplied a variety of fair food such as funnel cakes, turkey legs and root beer floats. Kids had plenty to do: ride a mini-roller coaster, meander through a fun house and play on an inflatable bouncer. Kids and adults alike enjoyed carnival games and fun prizes. Judging took place for livestock from the various 4H clubs around El Paso County. The members of 4H proudly displayed their animals ñ some decorated the animalís pen and others dressed them in colorful outfits. Jacque Harding brought something new to the fair this year. She asked the children to help decorate a muslin fabric quilt by drawing something they did at the fair or an animal they saw at the fair. On the third day, Harding had 65 squares for the quilt. Named ìThe El Paso County Fair Memory Quilt,î it will be on display at next yearís fair.