Thank you to those who have responded to our survey. We appreciate your input, and eventually we will let you know the results of the survey. The survey is on Pg. 2 in this issue as well. So, please take a few minutes and tell us your likes and dislikes and suggestions. You can also complete the survey online at would also like to extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Tyrese Gayle, a junior at Sand Creek High School who died March 16 from a gunshot wound to the head, according to a March 19 report by KOAA.Regardless of which side of the issue you are on, the gun debate has rapidly gained traction following the Feb. 14 killing spree at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. On March 24, thousands of teens and adults across the country and the world participated in the March for our Lives event, calling for stricter gun control measures.Some referred to the marches as the start of a revolution. And it felt familiar. Although I was in elementary school in the1960s, I do remember the protests against the Vietnam War and the civil rights marches. I remember the television scenes showing the volatility of those marches. I recently read an article comparing 1968 to 2018. As in 1968, the country in 2018 is fractured, which can create dissonance and violence.The difference, however, on March 24 was about the students involved.More than 800,000 kids lined the streets in Washington D.C., and they spoke eloquently. These kids mean business, and these marches had a sense of maturity that wasnít evident in the 1960s. Also, in D.C., 1,000 people were there to register voters ó which made much sense. The only way change occurs is through our voting system and generational influences.I applaud these students, and I think we will be seeing a lot more of them.Last month, our front page feature was the proposed name change to El Paso County District 49, formerly known as Falcon District 49. Many Falcon residents didnít realize that the county had already dropped Falcon as part of the district name, because many people, including us, had continued to use it ó until recently. The newly proposed name change presented was Pikes Peak District 49. Itís still on hold, however. Be sure to read Lindsey Harrisonís D 49 Board of Directors March meeting. As one person was quoted, ìIt could create confusion with Pikes Peak Early College, and geographically we are not close to Pikes Peak.îLindsey also continues the series on dangerous intersections ó the series will probably be with us for years.Another rather controversial subject we have tried to tackle this month is the Falcon Park Ní Ride. We have an article in News Briefs regarding this topic. Itís short because, after five phone calls and two emails, we have not been able to talk to anyone at the county about this situation. The county has a public relations department to ensure transparency and to keep we the people informed. I know we are a small newspaper but weíve been around 14 years. If the PR people arenít doing their jobs, then I think they should be eliminated and our taxes put to better use. Just saying!Also, be sure to check out Robin Widmarís article on fire dangers. Weíve already had a close call March 20, when a trailer full of straw caught fire and ignited roadside grass. Winds then pushed the fire south into open land on the Banning Lewis Ranch. I know weíve had some snow lately, but we all know that Colorado is chameleon-like when it comes to weather.Bill Radford has another fun Falcon history story in Prairie Life this month. Mark Stoller has written a hugely informative article on Agent Orange and our veterans.Well, thatís it for April. Enjoy spring when it gets here, and then hope it stays!See you in May!– Michelle
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