My new year started off great. Recently, I was lucky enough to spend four days alone with my 20-month-old granddaughter in Baton Rouge while her parents (my daughter and son-in-law) went to a business conference. Little Collins looks so much like my daughter that I couldnít help but remember the days when I was just 28 years old with two young daughters. There is a reason women donít have children after 50! Everyday, I woke up thinking, ìDo I have the energy for this?î But when I walked into Collinsí room in the morning, she greeted me with a sweet smile and a ìHi Mimi.î That was my energy boost for the whole day. It was exceptionally cold the week I was there, so we had to play inside for at least two full days. What struck me, though, is that she never cried or fussed the entire time I was there. I know we all like to brag about our grandkids, but she really is an angel. Of course, all three of my granddaughters are angels. I just wish they lived near us.On another note, Iím sad to say that Breeanna Jent has left us for an opportunity she couldnít refuse with the Gazette. If you have been reading Breeannaís articles, you know why we will miss her. It was our pleasure to work with her, and we wish her much luck on her new journey as an assistant editor with the Gazette Community Newspapers. Weíre hoping Breeanna can come back and freelance after she gets settled in her new position.Congratulations to The State Bank on its 125th anniversary. The bank has been a pillar of the community in Falcon and Calhan, and their growth has helped our growth, along with other businesses and the community in general. Another Falcon mainstay has been the stone that Art and Ann Van Sant placed on what is now the Gesick Motor property. The Van Sants were also strong supporters of Falcon. Some residents were worried that the stone was going to be banished forever, as Doug and Jen Gesick expanded their business and had to move the stone. But they saved the stone, and you can read the details on Pg. .We also have brought back Face to Face (which had been in hiatus since Angie Morlan moved to Germany last fall), only weíve renamed it People on the Plains. I think you will enjoy reading Bill Radfordís article about a Falcon author who has prevailed over a daunting childhood.To our Black Forest readers, organizations and businesses; we are happy to place your community events in the NFH. We are always looking for news stories for our Black Forest section. If you know anyone who might be interested in being featured in the Faces of Black Forest, contact Marylou at is it for now. Thank you all for your continued support.Have a great February, and Happy Valentineís Day. February is heart month, too, so good health to all. See you in March!– Michelle
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