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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Finally, summer has arrived. In Colorado, summer arrives late and leaves early, so Iím going to make the most out of it.†Summertime takes me back to my childhood. I fondly remember the hot and muggy summers in Lincoln, Nebraska. Memories come flooding back of the many hours my sister and I spent at the swimming pool, where the sounds and scenes of summer were patently†played out: from the cool, refreshing blue water to the lifeguard twirling his whistle and yelling out warnings like NO RUNNING!††Hearing the sounds of laughter from the kids and hanging out with our friends at the pool are etched in my mind forever. On the way home†from the pool, we stopped and got the proverbial ìitís so cold, it hurts your teeth” ice cream cone.†But mostly, I remember my little sister, Annette, by my side the whole summer. We were latchkey kids; we didn’t mind. We would get up early, make our beds, have some breakfast; and, after a few chores, head to the swimming pool. I know it was a stretch for our†working mom to buy those $20 pool passes, but she knew those passes were all we needed for an entire summer of entertainment. We didn’t need new swim toys, bathing suits or beach towels. Just a pool pass, pleeeeeease. †Somehow, mom always figured out a way to fit†those pool passes into her single-mom-of-two budget. Some of our friends swam at the country club, but we had the public pool, and appreciated every day we were there. I would love to go back to those ’70s summers — the best summers ever.†It would be great if Falcon had a public pool for everyone. Colorado summers might be shorter than Nebraska summers, but while the heat is on, a pool is cool!†When deciding what to write about this month, I looked up Julyís observances, and this one stood out, in memory of my daily ice cream cone, a worthy symbol of summer. July 17 is National Ice Cream Day. Did you know that during World War II, ice cream was†served to troops to boost morale, but ice cream was rationed for the public. When the war ended, the sanction on ice cream was lifted, and each American consumed more than 20 quarts of ice cream in 1946. Today, the average American annually consumes 22 pounds of ice†cream. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July National Ice Cream Month and July 17 National Ice Cream Day. Thank you to The Gipper.†Whether itís swimming, baseball, bicycling, barbecuing, ice cream, hot dogs — enjoy your summer — make some memories!†See you in August.†– Michelle

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