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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

This month, we will be out on the newsstands one day prior to Super Bowl 50, and I didnít think it could happen this year, but the Broncos are about to play in their eighth Super Bowl. My husband and I are big fans of the Broncos and†Peyton Manning, and I really want them to beat Cam Newton and HIS team. I am, however, in a dilemma about what to wear††for this game. Should I wear the T-shirt I had on when they won the AFC championship? It wasnít a rout of the†Patriots, so maybe I shouldnít wear that T. Should I even wear a Bronco shirt? This wardrobe-on-game-day thing will haunt me until the coin toss this Sunday. Giving in to superstitions on game day is a fan thing, so Iím not the†only one suffering.Besides clothing, football fans have their game-day rituals, whether itís refusing to wash one T-shirt all season, watching the game in the same location every week, cease watching if your team is losing and no sitting in your favorite†chair until your team scores.††Whatís funny about this is that we often believe we have somehow influenced the gameís outcome by changing our patterns.Fans arenít the only ones with superstitions. Players have some rituals, too. Take Colorado Rockiesí Jason Giambi. When he experienced a slump, Giambi brought out his golden thong.Yep, the 6-foot-3 all-star baseman would slip†on his bikini bottoms, which seemingly brought††him out of the slump. His teammates used to borrow them to get out of their own collapses. Just saying, I hope they washed those thongs in between players.†Be sure to check out ìDid you knowî this month. Itís all about Broncos trivia.Of course, there are other things going on in February, like St. Valentineís Day. And itís also Presidentís Day Feb. 15. Could George Washington have envisioned a future presidential race with†such a polarizing slew of characters?†This month in the NFH, we are resuming our education series, which weíve divided into two parts. Part 1 this month defines school choice and vouchers. Part 2 will cover the ramifications of school choice and its effect on public†schools. Lindsey Harrisonís articles focus on brick and mortar schools like public charter and magnet schools and private schools. The timing of this series is akin to ìNational School Choice Week,î which took place Jan. 24 to Jan.†30. Thousands of independent events are held throughout the country that week to bring awareness to the public about education options for every child.We have a new column this month to help you get through tax season. Jeremy Kniffen from Liberty Tax Service in Falcon is the author of ìAsk the tax professional,î which will run in February, March and April. There are some ìsuperî articles in the NFH this month, so read on. Visit our ìsuperî advertisers in Falcon, and have a ìsuperî month.†See you in March!†– Michelle

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