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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Happy New Year, everyone! I am sure I say the same thing every year in January, but (drum roll) I cannot believe it is 2016.The other day I was watching ìJeopardy,î and I could actually answer a few questions because they were all about the 80s — a decade more than 30 years ago. A decade when life-changing events took place for me: college graduation, my first job, marriage, a mortgage and the birth of our first child.The 80s just seem like yesterday to me. Ronald Reagan went from movie star to president; the Big Chill and E.T. were nominated for Oscars; ìFamily Tiesî and ìRoseanneî were popular T.V. shows.A lot has happened since the 80s. I think weíre more fragile, maybe because of the looming terrorist threat. However, there is one issue that is inarguably, I think, the most constant dilemma facing Americans on an everyday basis — health care. Ronald Reagan, contrary to what many of his fans remember, proposed raising taxes to expand Medicare. According to an article in from February 2014, Reagan previously had been quoted as saying, ìWhile I am opposed to socialized medicine, I have always felt that medical care should be available to those who cannot otherwise afford it.îBesides access to care and exorbitant costs, I know too many people, including myself, who have had negative experiences dealing with loved ones who end up in the hospital. The most important thing you can do for that person is to take on the role of advocate, which means acting as the health establishment nemesis. When my dad and my daughter were in the hospital (at different times and different hospitals) for extended periods, we made sure someone was with them 24 hours a day, just to ensure they would receive proper care.Every January for 11 years, our first issue of the year has focused on health care. This year, Jason Gray addresses the option of paying as you go, bypassing insurance companies. Jason and our new writer, Breeanna Jent, discuss GMOs — and Jason brings us up to snuff on the newly approved genetically modified salmon. Dawn Beaver writes about how a mental health diagnosis can destroy a military career. Lindsey Harrison bravely gives us a first-person account of dealing with anxiety. Lindsey also researched a topic that affects almost every family in one way or another — allergies! Our book review by Kathy Hare is about an oncology nurse who describes her everyday life dealing with cancer patients. Robin Widmar, our Falcon Fire Protection District columnist, talks about emergency services provided by the district.So, it is 2016, and I do have to concede to another decade closing in on us way too fast. The passage of time is something we canít control, but we can decide how we want to pass that time. I am going to focus on good health, and I want to be knowledgeable about the turmoil in the world; but I know the best thing I can do is to live a full and productive life and be an example to my family!Have a happy and healthy new year! See you in February.– Michelle

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