From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Welcome to October and the 10th issue of The New Falcon Herald. Our trek into the newspaper business hasn’t spooked us yet, and we hope our paper isn’t gathering cobwebs and black widows somewhere in a corner of your basement. We hope you are treating yourselves to all the great specials offered by our advertisers.We don’t want to trick you by changing too many things in our newspaper, but we need to do a bit of fall housecleaning to keep you up to speed on what’s happening with The New Falcon Herald. (Okay, enough of the Halloween theme)First, please visit our new Web site,, designed by Kathleen Wallace. Kathleen recently moved to Peyton from Bellevue, Wash. Kathy said her heart has always been in Colorado. She has a lot of high-tech experience as a programmer, an applications engineer, a technical writer and a Web designer. She is an animal lover as well, and we can’t say enough good things about her work with us. Thanks, Kathy.For now, the site is free; however, in a couple of months you will have to be a subscriber to access the articles. You will also be able to access past articles. We are just starting our venture into the Internet world, so we’ll keep you updated regarding changes, additions, etc.Second, we have two numbers listed for all advertising calls: The first is our main number, which is 683-7292; the second is the actual advertising department – 719-484-0384. However, the latter number is long distance if you are calling from a landline in Falcon, so we encourage you to use our 683-7292 number, if you do not want to incur long distance charges. You will always get a recording with the main number, but we will call you back. If you are calling from a cell phone or elsewhere, the call to the 484-0384 number is not long distance.We’ve been in circulation now for 10 months, and we are determining what works and what doesn’t, so we are bidding farewell to a few notables in the newspaper.The “What Do You Think” question has not been as popular as we hoped, so we are saying good-bye to the question, not the column. So please keep sending us your thoughts, your editorials. This is your paper, and you have an opportunity to voice your opinion on any topic you wish.And bon voyage to RUMORS and FACTS. Rumors was fun in the beginning, but we can’t find enough rumors to keep it going, and we really don’t want to make things up – it’s just not good journalism. FACTS is pretty much covered in our NEWS BRIEFS section, so we’ll make room for more articles and say good-bye to FACTS. However, we want to keep HISTORICAL FACTS, so we’ll publish that column as items come in.Staying with us is Monkey Business – it’s been one of our most popular columns! If you have any ideas on what you’d like to see added to our newspaper, please e-mail us at, too, that we are a monthly newspaper, so our articles tend to cover issues as opposed to the daily news. Some of you have called in about various concerns. We research all of your requests, and, if we cannot corroborate your concerns with answers or comments from others, we can’t publish your issue, but you are still welcome to send us an editorial.Well, that’s it for this month. Make sure the kids are safe on Halloween, and we’ll see you again on October 30!Marylou & Michelle

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