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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

On June 11 one year ago, the Black Forest fire began raging war with people’s lives, homes and businesses; firefighters, wildlife, terrain and trees. The fire killed two people, destroyed almost 500 homes and caused more that $85 million in damages. Video after video showed the massive losses to the county, and in the foreground of that billowing smoke were the faces of our elected officials keeping us up-to-date and somewhat comforted by their presence.It’s a shame when we discover that one of those faces was smoke and mirrors. It is sad in this country when anyone in power belies the integrity of an elected office. But what always baffles me is why on earth would you jeopardize the integrity of family.It sees that many of our elected officials believe they are invincible, untouchable and all-powerful. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Maketa family.Another sad commentary about today’s worled is highlighted in Alli Griffin’s article about a cat and a BB gun. Without ever discussing the issues or problems with the cat owner, the perpetrator (allegedly a neighbor) had with the cat, who often wandered outdoors, he or she just killed the family cat with a BB gun. Of course, the cat’s owner cannot prove anything. Couldn’t someone just leave a note on the door; or, if you don’t know where the cat lives, ask around – follow the cat home?It gives me an eerie feeling when something like this happens in a neighborhood. You might say, “It’s a cat.” Well, given the state of violence in our communities, including our schools, we should be very watchful of this kind of behavior. No matter what anyone says, killing someone’s pet is a violent act.The kids are out of school; doors and windows are open; people are out walking and bicycling. We cannot control Mother Nature, and we have enough to do to protect our homes from fires and storms. We need to expose any type of threatening behavior in our neighborhoods to ensure a safe community.On a good note: Congratulations to all of our graduating seniors in Falcon School District 49. The district is getting so big that we no longer include all the names of the graduates, so we are highlighting the valedictorians and salutatorians. Hats off to you all, and good luck.And have a happy – and safe – June. See you in July.– Michelle

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