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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Now I know that some people actually do read ìFrom the publisher.î Thank you to all who sent kind messages to me, after I wrote about the crazy and frightening happenings we encountered during the last deadline week.My daughter, Jill, who had a life-threatening infection, is back in Seattle, where she lives. Writer Lindsey Harrisonís mom, who had a heart attack, is almost fully recovered. Sadly, our editorís (Marylou Doehrman Bride) mom, who went into the hospital with an infection of an unknown origin, died April 3. Her mom was 91 years old and had Alzheimerís, but she died peacefully and didnít have to experience the horrible end-stages of Alzheimerís disease.I need to especially thank my Grandma Gin (dadís mom) in Nebraska for her patience with me. In the midst of my crisis, I had forgotten to call grandma to tell her about Jill. She learned about the situation when she read this column. I am sorry, grandma, and thanks for being so understanding.This deadline has been a breeze, comparatively. And itís May ñ what a blessing to open the doors and feel the breeze throughout the house. With all the moisture weíve had, we should see emerald green lawns and plenty of pretty flowers by the time June arrives. This month, Jason Gray has yet another article on the marijuana saga on where the taxes will be distributed. Because it is such a hot topic and new to the people and politicians, weíll probably be writing about it in every issue, at least for awhile.Finally, itís Motherís Day. Consumers spend about $20 billion for Motherís Day flowers, gifts and dinner out on the town. For our business friends, I discovered a few ideas to help ensure that you get a share of that $20 billion.

  • Promote mom and dad combo offers (hit Fatherís Day simultaneously) i.e. dinner for two, a massage for mom and dad
  • Make promotions family friendly i.e. family discounts for recreational activities
  • Appeal to special interests: Consider donating a portion of all Motherís Day sales or sales of specific items to a charity of momís choice
  • Cross marketing: Promote with a partner. Offer a discounted dining experience, along with a carwash.
Happy Motherís Day, and weíll see you in June.– Michelle

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