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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Maybe itís overkill, but the adopt-a-cause or special interest awareness ideas designated for certain months of the year are often silly but also a great way to shamelessly promote oneís business. Oh, yea, September is also Shameless Promotion Month!September is overflowing with ìcauseî celebrations. Two caught my eye.One is National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Given the fire and floods that have wreaked havoc in the county this summer, itís quite appropriate to acknowledge the need to always be prepared. Throughout September, more than 3,000 organizations ñ national, regional, public and private ñ are supporting emergency preparedness programs and encouraging Americans to get on the bandwagon. The Centers for Disease Control has a page on its website dedicated to ìemergency preparedness and response,î and there is a wealth of information about a number of topics. Check it out at Widmar also writes about National Preparedness Month for the Falcon Fire Protection District News page.The Black Forest fire assessment study has been completed. The full report is not yet available; however, initial findings show that being ill-prepared for a wildfire can be the difference between life and death and having a home or being homeless. Weíll have more on the assessment next month.The other month-long awareness issue relegated to September is ìBe Kind to Editors and Writers Month.î Now, we all know that writers and editors can be blamed for everything from crime to communism. We have an editorial in this monthís issue about the problems that writers and editors face because of the nature of the job ñ and the nature of human beings. Itís best to be kind to these word-savvy, hungry-for-answers types because they always want to get to the bottom of everything ñ and theyíll pursue you like a game of cat and mouse. We need these ìtypes;î otherwise, weíd be in the dark about of lot of things that matter to our overall health and well-being.So, since it is Shameless Promotion Month, Iíd like to recognize not only our editing and writing team but our sales team as well. This month we went to 40 pages ñ a super feat for the NFH. And, as we celebrate going on 10 years, we are stronger than ever, and I am proud of the entire NFH team, which also includes our designer, our finance manager and our distribution people.OK, so enjoy the crisp air and soon-to-be golden Aspens this month. Now grab yourself another cup of coffee or tea and read on ñ thereís something for everyone!-See you in October,- MichelleCorrection: In the front page article in the August issue, ìFFPD shake-up,î (to no fault of the writer) we left out an important piece. We forgot to mention that we had tried to contact Glen Levy, deputy chief who recently resigned, numerous times for a comment on the issues, but he did not return our call. Just so you know!

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