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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

There should be a second New Yearís celebration in the month of June. Itís halfway between January and December, and it signifies newness: green grass and trees sprouting new leaves, the rebirth of beautiful Colorado wildflowers, warmer weather and the official arrival of summer. We open windows and relish the fresh air and songbirds. Itís all brand new every June.June is a month of celebrations, too: Flag Day, graduation day for many, Fatherís Day and Juneteenth ñ the oldest commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S.Speaking of graduation, we celebrate the graduating seniors from all the high schools in Falcon School District 49. Although there are many students graduating from the non-traditional schools ñ such as Patriot Learning Center and Falcon Virtual Academy ñ we are listing only those students who graduated from Falcon High School, Vista Ridge High School and Sand Creek High School because we just donít have enough space to name everyone. However, a hearty congratulations from the NFH to all ñ and good luck!Hereís something new, too. I would like to formally introduce a member of our team, Dean Maurry of Shayden Design. Dean has been designing ads for The New Falcon Herald for more than four years. Beginning with this issue, Dean will assume the responsibility of designing the NFH, which includes the artistic and copy layout. You might notice a few changes over time as he brings his design expertise to the pages of the NFH. Welcome, Dean!Oh, yea, June is also the most popular month for weddings, too. Did you know?The average amount of money spent on a traditional American wedding is $28,082.A total of $72 billion is spent on weddings each year in the U.S.The average amount spent on a bridal gown is $1,075.Weddings represent a $50 billion a year industry.OK, so Iím bringing this up because wedding bells are ringing in my household. Our first-born daughter (out of three) is getting married this month, and the wedding planning process has been both exciting and eye-opening. My husband, John, and I know for sure that we wonít be retiring any time soon. (We have two more daughters in college and both have steady boyfriends ñ do I hear elope? Just kidding, I think.)We are excited for Megan and happy she is happy ñ plus, we really like her husband-to-be, Jesse. The wedding details are complete, but that doesnít keep me from having butterflies in my stomach every time I think about the BIG DAY.Oh, yes, my June is going to be the New Yearís celebration of all time. Hope you have a good month, too. And Happy Fatherís Day!– See you in July,Michelle

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