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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Got snow? I hope not. Iím done for the season ñ how about you? Itís spring everywhere, but Colorado is the great unknown as to when weíll see green grass and wildflowers. At least there is light at the end of the tunnel.With spring comes March Madness, and itís an appropriate title for college basketball playoffs. NFH sports writer Steve Wood is into the madness, too. Check out his review of March Madness and his predictions thus far. Of course, by the time you read this much of what Steve has written is old news. But itís a fun read anyway. Steve will be reporting sports throughout the summer, so if you have anything to submit on a sport your kid is involved with or one you are involved with, please send it to our editor. Photos are welcome, too.We are saying good-bye to our I Spy column. We have been running the column several years now, and there are only so many photos to take in Falcon! Besides, itís spring ñ time for at least one change. If you have any ideas for a new contest, please send them to the NFH editor, Marylou Doehrman Bride.One change ñ actually, weíre resurrecting a column ñ is the addition of a ìbuilding in Falconî update. We used to run this as a monthly feature, and weíve started it again in this issue. If you have any information on building issues or plans in Falcon or want us to check out something, please let us know that, too! Send your information to the NFH editor.Lindsey Harrison wrote an interesting first-person account of her experience as the victim of a scam. There was nothing she could do to retrieve the money she lost. She wanted to share her newfound knowledge so the rest of us donít get caught up in a scam.April 22 is Earth Day. Sen. Gaylord Nelson organized the first-ever Earth Day in 1970 to promote ecology and responsible stewardship of the Earth. With Earth Day, we hear all kinds of things about climate change, but whether you believe in the concept just doesnít matter. Itís about savings and preservation and cleanliness.Did you know?

  • Each ton of recycled paper can save 3.5 cubic yards of landfill, 17 30-foot trees (pulp), 7,000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil and 4100 kwh of energy.
  • The amount of wood and paper we throw away every year could heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years!
  • Less than 1 percent of all plastic products are recycled in the U.S. Americans throw away 25,000,000 plastic beverage bottles every hour!
So, please recycle the NFH, after you read it, of course.Have a wonderful April, and weíll see you in May! Bring on the flowers!-Michelle

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