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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

A few days ago, just in time for me to write this column, I received an email citing an interesting fact about U.S. presidents and the children of the White House. Did you know that the last president to have a son living in the White House was John F. Kennedy (his son, fondly referred to as John-John by the press, was 3 years old when JFK was assassinated).Given that Presidentís Day is around the corner (Feb. 18), the following is rather interesting. George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reaganís children were too old to live in the White House, but past presidents Johnson, Nixon and George W. (Bushís daughters were in college much of the time) each had two daughters residing with them during their terms. Presidents Ford, Carter and Clinton each raised one daughter in the White House. Ford and Carter each had just one term as presidents. Of course, Sasha and Malia Obama are currently in the White House. Maybe itís because Iím a mother of three daughters that I find this interesting; and, well, pretty cool. Regardless of politics, growing up in the White House is bound to be an experience that helps turn young girls into educated and successful women.As I mentioned last month, we are now celebrating our 10th year in publication. So, it seems fitting that this monthís Face to Face is Jim Ozburn, owner, along with his wife, Dee, of Falcon Meadow Campground. I remember when we rather shyly went to their grocery store and campsite to ask if we could distribute the NFH there. It was one of only a few sites available. Ten years later, Jim and Dee are still in business (despite fierce competition ñ see Face to Face) and our newspapers are still in the store. Itís nice to see that a locally owned business can survive the big box stores!We have a new column this month. Farmerís State Bank and The State Bank will be alternating months, bringing us financial advice and information. These days, any information about money issues is welcome, I think.Our front page stories this month are not without controversy. As always, we attempt to bring you a balanced and unbiased piece of journalism, and Iím proud of our writers for their superb listening skills and accuracy. A special thanks this month to Lindsey Harrison for countless hours of interviewing , researching and writing!Well, thatís it for February. Have a ìlovelyî Valentineís Day, and weíll see you in March.-Michelle

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