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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Itís a new year and a rather significant one for The New Falcon Herald. This month begins our 10th year of publication. So many changes have taken place in Falcon in the last nine years. We started this newspaper when the economy was still booming. We witnessed the business community of Falcon flourish. We were there to report on those new businesses and the development of support organizations like the chamber. There was so much going on that we always had something to write about, and we were always able to delve into the subject a bit deeper ñ the advantage of being a monthly newspaper. The building in Falcon alone kept us on our toes.† I think weíve featured about three new superintendents ñ now an archaic term in Falcon.Weíve been lucky, too. Weíve weathered the ìGreat Recessionî and hung in when other publications have come and gone.None of it, however, is possible without a ìvillage.î The people of Falcon embraced the NFH, and I hope we have helped bring a sense of community to Falcon. Throughout the year, weíll be highlighting the people ñ readers, writers, sales staff, business owners, columnists, contributors and residents† ñ of Falcon who helped make this newspaper a success, from the very beginning. Iím looking forward to a year of reminiscing.Every January, we bring you an extended look at health and wellness, and weíve done so again this year. Our writers have tackled health screenings, sleep deprivation and a brief synopsis of the new federally mandated health laws. Health is about community, too. Read about the health of Falcon in relationship to the economy overall, and check out crime stats in Falcon.For fun, our writers and sales staff wrote down their resolutions for 2013. I have two resolutions this year: to have fun focusing on almost 10 years of the NFH and to see that my oldest daughterís June wedding is perfect for her in every way.Yep, itís going to be a great year.Happy New Year to everyone!†See you in February.†- Michelle

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