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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Whatís not to love about October? It feels so fresh and crisp. The aspens have begun shedding their beautiful golden leaves, while the hillsides change into a brilliant display of Mother Natureís finest work of art, a palette of color from rust to red to gold.October is about beer and chili fests, ghosts and goblins and the first sprinkling of snow.October is also a month of observances, many of them health related. Itís Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Bullying Prevention Month and World Hunger Day, to name a few.And this October signals the end of those aggravating political ads. Election Day is around the corner, and weíll no longer have to hear ìmy name is Ö and I approve this message.î No matter our political preferences, many of us agree that political ads are overdone and often full of baloney!According to information from Kantar Media, reported by National Public Radio, one week ago almost 700,000 political ads aired throughout the country. The estimated cost: $395 million. And the biggest battleground states ñ Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio and Colorado ñ are the most heavily targeted.Itís great to be educated about candidates and issues, but seeking truth amidst the baloney can be a challenge. This month, our writers report on issues and candidates. Weíll follow up with more in November ñ weíll be on the stands before the election. We hope we can help you decide on the issues by bringing you factual information.We also bring you the usual updates on the fire and school districts and the latest news about business and community. And be sure to check out our columnists, from a dynamic book review to information on maintaining Fidoís health.Enjoy October, and have a safe Halloween. See you in November!– Michelle

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