From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Ah, the newspaper business. Many people line up reporters and publishers with attorneys – you know, those low-life professions that are the butts of many jokes. But there are good attorneys – and good newspapers.As a good newspaper should, we don’t slant a story to persuade the public one way or another on an issue. We don’t take sides. (The Monkey Chronicles is an opinion piece – not an article, and not endorsed by the NFH.)We can’t help it when someone says something that appears negative in print. We aren’t going to sugar coat the issue, and it’s not our responsibility to pick and choose the words of an interviewee to make him or her look good.We’re not whining – it’s the business. And whether it’s a small town newspaper or the Denver Post, it’s the media’s job to report the issues – not advertise the cause. At the same time, we are ALWAYS open to printing your opinions about something we’ve written – articles or editorials. This newspaper, unlike others, does not support political candidates. We did at one time and changed our minds. Our policy: Let the readers decide. We are here to educate and encourage thought.Of course, we make mistakes. For example, in our September edition, we highlighted the COUNTY fair with a picture page. However, we headlined the page as the STATE fair. And get this: We did the same thing last year.We’ve put our heads together and decided that the editor of this newspaper is “stuck” on the state fair thing because, when she was 9 years old, she won a blue ribbon for a butter cake at the STATE fair (in Indiana). That’s all we could come up with. Please accept our apologies.Last month we promised an update on our mission to take the NFH to twice a month. OK, here’s the plan. We are keeping it simple to start. We will publish a mid-month newspaper that includes local business updates, school news, community calendar, county news and one or two feature articles. So, look for a limited NFH second edition beginning in December. We’ll keep you informed as to the actual date of release, but it will most likely be around the 15th of each month.Finally, it’s October, and elections are around the corner. We interviewed a few of the candidates running for office in this edition. Next month, we’ll spotlight the amendments and Peyton and Falcon fire district ballot measures. Our next issue arrives on the stands Oct. 28, just in time to make those ballot decisions.That’s it for now. It’s autumn in Colorado – enjoy the gold.-Michelle & Marylou

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