Summer is around the corner and kicking it off is the June 10 Falcon Festival, which keeps getting bigger and better. The Woodmen Hills business exposition and crafts festival at the Woodmen recreation center west also takes place June 10, so it’s a weekend to stick around home and mingle with your neighbors.We invite you to come by our booth at the Falcon Festival at Big R. It’s an opportunity to ask questions, voice your opinion about the NFH, meet the team and participate in our raffle that features a basket full of hometown treats.Speaking of our team, we’d like you to get to know the NFH regulars who live in Falcon. We have a great group of people representing the NFH on the eastern plains.Alicia Littlejohn has been with the NFH almost since its inception. She and her family have lived in Falcon for 10 years, witnessing the plentiful changes that have blown in during the last few years. Besides writing (our D 49 liaison and limelight reporter) and taking pictures for the NFH, Alicia has her own photography business in the area.Our Web site guru, Kathleen Wallace, also has been with the NFH pretty much since the get-go. She and her husband have lived in Elbert for a little over two years. We would be lost in Internet space without Kathleen.Kathy Hare is the NFH coordinating editor and well known for her fearless leadership related to pressing issues – like water. Her passion for doing what’s right by Falcon stems from a long-term relationship with this growing area – Kathy and her husband have lived in Falcon since 1979.Angie Morlan and her husband have lived in Falcon for four years. Angie initiated “Streetwise,” the NFH’s answer to the “man (or woman) on-the-street” interviews. She’s also “face to face” with the many individual residents we feature every month.Stefani Wiest and her young family have lived in Falcon for two years, after moving to the Denver area in 1999 from Bend, Ore. Stefani has been picking up a few investigative pieces lately, and says she enjoys it because “it gives me insight into the community by enabling me to focus on issues relevant to this area.”Don Josleyn is our ace sales representative, and he and his wife have lived in Falcon for 10 years. Don’s laid back, no-bull style seems to suit our rather laid back, no-bull style of publication. Don is well versed in publications as the owner of a health care related pub.And we don’t want to forget our horse columnist, Erica, who has been boarding her horse, Teller, in Falcon for three years.Our Falcon team is yours, too, so if you see them around town, stop and say hi or give Teller a carrot.We don’t want to slight our other team members, Jeff Hansen, Deb Stumpf, Megan Barrette, Joe Martin (a former Falconite) and Becky Hendricks, but they are scattered about the county, working hard for us behind the scenes. (Except, you do see Megan delivering the papers.)And if you see our locally grown contributing columnists – Alex Donnell, financial advisor; Dr. Fran Palmer, Palmer Chiropractic; Mac MacDonald and Johnanna Sullivan, Falcon Physical Therapy; and Kramer Bookman – thank them for sharing their wisdom about finance, health and birding issues.Unfortunately, we lost one member of our team after just a couple of months. Our sports writer kind of slid out of home base, and we haven’t heard from him since.We have once again approached D 49 hoping to secure an internship for a sports writer. Parents: If you have a son or daughter interested in journalism/creative writing, it’s a great opportunity to learn the business of publishing, so feel free to call us directly as well.And last, Happy Father’s Day to all you dads and especially those who are serving overseas and can’t be home with their loved ones. We appreciate your sacrifices.-Michelle & Marylou
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