From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Well, if it was attention we were looking for (not that we were), we got it. Our April Fool’s Day front-page story spoof fooled many and sparked a few fires. Officials at Colorado College were baffled by a call requesting more information about the anticipated date of the “new extension.” And apparently it took a couple of days and a few phone calls for some readers to realize that neither Wells Fargo nor Capital Pacific was moving to Falcon.Most of our readers had a sense of humor at the blatant story lies, and one didn’t. We received one call from a gentleman who said he would never read our newspaper again. Of course, he’s probably not reading this, but just in case, we apologize if we offended you.We enjoyed a comment from one of our advertisers who said, “This gives new meaning to ‘freedom of the press.'” Yes, it does, and while we admit it was fun making up stories, we have a healthy respect for fact-based journalism. We were careful to qualify our front-page stories last month with references to April Fool’s on the page where the stories continued. We also included on that page (the jump, they call it in the business) a statement that none of what we reported on the front page was true.What we did learn from our little gag is that quite a few people read the front page only or bits and pieces of a story. As a news organization and one that truly does believe in the facts, we encourage you to read a whole story, especially if you vote!!!Speaking of reading, we are adding a couple of commentaries this month on issues you may or may not agree with. Beyond educating and information, we think a local newspaper is a format for discussion, an avenue where you can voice your opinion and maybe even spar with your next door neighbor about the issues.We are often surprised that our readers do not submit more letters to the editor regarding those issues, of which there are plenty these days. So, from time to time, we’ll bring in guest commentaries to shake it up a bit. Remember, those commentaries do not reflect the opinion or stance of The New Falcon Herald. Keep in mind as well that the Monkey Chronicles convey the opinion of just one co-publisher and not the NFH.We hope to offer more travel articles, too – of a different nature. Check out a Las Vegas that is not so familiar in this month’s NFH, and visit an Arizona historic hotel vicariously.And we took a different route in celebration of Mother’s Day. As we honor mothers nationwide, we also wanted to think about all the girls and women who have lost their mothers.To those moms who are currently nurturing and molding future generations, your job carries an awesome and sometimes daunting responsibility. All the best, and happy Mother’s Day, especially to the NFH family of mothers who juggle motherhood and working for us! We are offering you some ideas for kids’ camps this month, too, just in case you need a reprieve from those little darlings.To everyone: Have a safe May.-Michelle & Marylou

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