From the Publisher

From the Publisher

February is kind of a bridge between saying goodbye to winter and thinking about spring. February also is black history month. We’ve included in this month’s NFH a brief article on how black history month started. The Monkey Chronicles covers two subjects this month – and one addresses black Americans. We welcome your thoughts, and encourage you to express your opinions, too – about any issue – local or national – through our “Letters to the Editor” section. Your voice counts.January flew by, and we are still organizing our subscription data, so we’ve decided to extend our $10 subscription special through March. Again, we thank all of you who are supporting the NFH as we dive into our third year.We did have one glitch in our process. Some of you who had been included on our subscription list (and already paid) mistakenly received an invoice for the $10. We apologize for that error. We tried to catch those as we mailed our invoices, but we did not get them all. Your subscription, when you pay it, is good for one year. We will bill you at the end of that year for the next. So, if some of you who didn’t call think you were billed twice, please call us. We’ll reimburse you. We’ll work with you – just bear with us as we work through this transition.Also, for those of you who are still sending in subscription cards, please note that it depends on what time of the month we receive those cards as to when you will receive the NFH. It could be the month immediately following the receipt of the card, or it could be two months out. Whatever, your subscription year begins the month you receive the paper.Don’t forget to visit our Web site, where you can view the latest copy of the NFH as well. Our archives section is now in place thanks to our Web designer, Kathleen Wallace. For an additional $10, you can research our past articles.We’d like to say thank you to Cathy Griffen, who is moving on from her writing duties at the NFH to assist with a new family project. Cathy, it was a pleasure to work with you. Your integrity and desire to get it right made you a great asset to the NFH. Good luck with your new endeavor.Finally, February’s long-time claim to fame is Valentine’s Day, and we hope you enjoy some heartfelt and rather funny thoughts from our editorial staff. Remember, that special someone doesn’t have to be someone else – it can be YOU! Happy Valentine’s Day!-Michelle & Marylou

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