From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Thank you to all our supporters who sent in subscription cards this past month. The response has been great!Remember, it’s not too late. We understand that some people did not receive subscription cards – sorry about that. We have included another subscription card and a cutout subscription card as well in this month’s NFH. Send it in now because this edition is the LAST FREE direct mailed newspaper you will receive. Our subscription newspaper mailing starts with our January issue, which will be out on Dec. 31.If you filled out a subscription card and you do not receive your newspaper at home on Dec. 31, PLEASE call us at 683-7292.We received a couple calls from people who had questions regarding the subscription card. The subscription cards are self-addressed but you must add postage – as we mentioned last month, it was cost prohibitive to include return postage. The $10 subscription price runs for one year. We will send an invoice to you, so we don’t expect payment when you send in the subscription card. For those who have sent in your payments in an enclosed envelope, thank you.If there are any other questions, call our message phone at 683-7292. Again, thanks for your support.We’ve also received a few comments from our readers, and we appreciate your positive feedback. A couple people asked when we were going to get those Falcon sports in, and we are still working on it. So, we’ll go out on a limb, and say that by the New Year, we will have a page on Falcon sports.On another note, we think it’s important to mention a mistake in the November “Falcon Limelight.” This mistake was editorial’s (Marylou).I write the “From the Publishers” column on behalf of Michelle and me, so for a minute I need to speak on behalf of just me!I apologize to Bill and Mary Perkins for repeating a paragraph (or as one of our readers put it – a hiccup) in the Falcon Limelight, which featured their main business – Windy Hill Auto Repair. I also would like to apologize to Alicia Littlejohn, who wrote the story. There is nothing more frustrating to a writer than having an editor mess up her masterpiece. Finally, I apologize to our readers for something short of perfection, which I am dying to achieve.I edit or review all of the articles, even after our contract editor’s edits. No one else edited this article but me, so it was my entire fault. I have no excuses. And I didn’t notice it when I proofed the newspaper.There is always a moment as the newspaper hits the stand when I take a deep breath and hold it until I know everything is OK. When it isn’t, when someone points out a mistake, I may breathe but then I lose at least three nights’ sleep tossing and turning over why I didn’t check it out one more time. I can tell you this: You won’t see this mistake again!OK, back to “we.”We hope you enjoy this special holiday focus. This time of year can be magical, warm, inviting, and stressful and lonely, too. There are those who choose to ignore it all – some would call them “lucky dogs.”Whatever your holiday spirit, we wish you peace and celebration of earth and all its beings.-Michelle & MarylouP.S. Look for our January issue on health and wellness – we hit the stands and subscribers’ mailboxes on Dec. 31.

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