From the Publisher

From the Publisher

We hope you enjoy our tribute to Thanksgiving and the recipes our own New Falcon Herald family provided. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to gather with friends and family and celebrate all that is good with the world. And all that is good is usually about friends and family. The people we work with have become our family. So we’re thanking them this Thanksgiving for all they do. We can’t say thanks enough times.Thanks to our contributing writers Alicia, Cathy, Erica, Angie, Stefani and Kathy. Thanks to our sales staff Deb, Linda and Don. Thanks to our layout designer and creative contributor, Jeff; thanks to our Web designer, Kathy, and our ad designer, Elaine (who is retiring this month – we’ll miss you, Elaine, but thanks again for everything).Thanks to our columnists Fran, Denny, Alex, Mac and Johnnana, Kramer, Wes and Randy.Thanks to our accountant, Becky. Thanks to our circulation coordinator, Megan. Thanks to Signature Offset, our printer. Thanks to the Peyton post office. Thanks to helpers Jill, Laura, John and Denny B.Thanks to our advertisers, especially those who have been with us since Day 1. Thanks to our readers, especially those who have been with us since Day 1.Without any of you, there would be no New Falcon Herald.Enough thanks and a little bit of business …rPlease remember: Beginning January 2006, the NFH will no longer be mailed directly to you unless you are a subscriber. We are maintaining and adding to our distribution sites. And seniors on very limited incomes: Please contact us at 683-7292.We’ve included a subscription card in this edition, and we’re offering a one-time-only $10 deal for a one-year subscription starting in January. All you have to do is send in the enclosed postcard with your name and address, and we’ll invoice you. It’s not postage free, however, because the return postage fees were out of our league. So, please affix a stamp to the postcard, and we do THANK you again for your support.Happy Thanksgiving,- Michelle & Marylou

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