From the Publisher
From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Every summer, our editorial staff gets together for a luncheon. Since we usually meet every month via Zoom, it’s nice to see everyone in person and share a meal. We chose Mountain View Cafe this year, where on July 15 we enjoyed great food and interesting conversations. We have a diverse group, from all ages. This time, we sat for about 90 minutes discussing all kinds of issues, including politics. 

I think we all take a deep breath when politics is brought to the table. And, of course, opposing views are usually expressed. As writers/reporters, the editorial team has learned to listen to others so it wasn’t that difficult to have a frank discussion. One thing that struck me, however, was the surprise that our younger writers voiced regarding the civility of our conversation. One writer indicated that she had not been in a political discussion where respect and consideration were part of the debate. It can happen. 

We have a few months left where we will be bombarded with the good, the bad and the ugly of this year’s pre-election period. 

However, there is a bright light this summer: the 2024 summer Paris Olympics. As I write this, I am watching the opening ceremony. Amidst world angst, the athletes of all countries coming together to compete create a sense of global hope and camaraderie. By the way, Paris is really putting on the ritz for this opening ceremony. If you haven’t seen it, find it because it’s worth it. I’ve watched a lot of Olympic opening ceremonies, but this tops them all. A little rain has not dampened the activities or spirit of the intro to the Olympics. Anyway, I’ll be watching this summer and cheering on every athlete in the U.S. and others like the tennis greats from Spain, Nadal and Alcarez. Sports is a great way to connect with other cultures and countrymen and women. 

As you will see in the real estate section of the NFH this month, the BOCC approved the controversial RV park in Peyton, despite the planning commission’s recommendation not to approve it. I’m sure we’ll have more on that next month.

There is still no word on when Dunkin’ (donuts) is coming to town; the last communication we had with the corporate office said sometime in early 2025. 

We also did something different this month with the front page! As we did last month, we wanted to feature local activities on the front page so we chose Falcon Freedom Days. We welcome your photos of local events or people. Just be sure to identify the people in your photos, and send them to

Good luck parents and students, as school starts again. I hope everyone has a wonderful year — check out the health department’s suggestions to ensure a smooth transition for your kids this year. Happy Labor Day! 

See you in September!  


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