Summer’s end: Each season presents an opportunity to reflect and revitalize. To do just that, we sat down with John Weiss, the founder and publisher of the Independent, a weekly alternative newspaper in Colorado Springs.We wanted to pick John’s brain and find out how he has been successful with a newspaper that beat the odds in a conservative town. When John started the Independent, there was a naysayer or two who said a liberal newspaper would never work in the Springs. They were wrong.We talked with John about all kinds of newspaper “stuff,” from circulation to distribution to advertising. We talked about media saturation – how everyday we are bombarded with information from all types of news sources, from the Internet to television to newspapers to magazines to even cell phones.John has been successful because he stayed on track with his purpose (and he hired great people, like our designer – Jeff Hansen. We’ve contracted with great people, too, like Jeff and all the rest of our NFH staff).Perhaps the best thing we walked away with from our conversation was a sense that we are staying on track with our purpose, too. At least we hope so. That purpose is to cover eastern plain and Falcon-related issues in depth, including lifestyle issues; feature the people of Falcon and nearby areas and offer a format for your ideas and input.To invite more participation from Falcon, Peyton and the area, we also stole an idea from the Independent (they I am sure stole it from somewhere else as many newspapers do it). Please see our new “Streetwise” section in this month’s NFH. Each month, we’ll stop about four of you on the street and ask you a question about an issue related issues at home, abroad or whatever. We’ll snap your picture and report your answer in the newspaper.Just another way to get you involved in your monthly Falcon newspaper/magazine!Meanwhile, we are still looking for a high school reporter – or anyone – to cover sports!!! Help us!Have a great September,-Michelle & MarylouPlease note: Thanks to our Web designer, Kathleen Wallace, you can now reach us by e-mail at the following;
From the Publisher
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