From the Publisher

From the Publisher

It’s an age-old question, but one that isn’t age sensitive. How many times have you asked, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” It’s a question for people in many different stages of life – and one that is definitely NOT FOR HUMANS ONLY.If there is a question that describes Falcon’s growing pains, it’s “What do I want to be when I grow up?” (See this month’s Monkey Chronicles.)We are addressing the same question relative to the New Falcon Herald. What do we want to be when we grow up?We’ve been asking some tough questions. Do we want to be a weekly or bi-weekly newspaper that catches the news as it happens? Do we want to be a subscription-only newspaper and increase our newspaper outlets? Or do we stick to the same ole – you know, kind of like “Don’t fix what ain’t broken.”The same ole is a monthly newspaper that is direct mailed to 3,600 Falcon residents and distributed in 15 outlets. Our format is between magazine and newspaper style. We try to present in-depth articles that affect you, from health and wellness to finance to community issues, like incorporation and water concerns. What we can’t do as a magazine-type newspaper is get you the breaking news. The television news media and the Springs daily newspaper are your sources for the daily news.It’s June and already six months into the New Year. We’ve been thinking a lot about you all – advertisers, the community, readers, consultants – and the content of our newspaper. For the moment, we are inclined to stick with what seems to be working. However, we really want to hear from you. We want to grow up to be what you want. So, it’s easy. Just write us at or visit our Web site at, go to “contact us” and send Marylou an e-mail.We’ve said it a million times – we are open to your suggestions.On another note, we are pleased to welcome Don Joselyn to our team. Don will be covering the Falcon and immediate surrounding area. He and his wife, Lisa, have lived in Falcon for a while. Don also owns a hospital publication.That’s it for June. Happy Father’s Day!-Michelle and MarylouCORRECTIONS FROM LAST MONTH: At the end of our story on Mary Ellen’s Tea Room in last month’s edition, we listed the wrong phone number: The corrected number is 683-5526. We are sorry, Mary Ellen LeComte.EDITORS NOTE:After our story ran last month about recycling availability in Colorado Springs and Falcon, we received a call from a person who said Waste Management offers recycling pick up in the area. However, Waste Management only offers recycling to people living in an area where there is a homeowners association.

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