From the Publisher

From the Publisher

As I write this, weíve just had another round of that big, heavy spring snow. The rafters are going to have a wonderful season. According to an article on, rafting guides are saying the season could start early and easily run through Labor Day. The norm for the season is mid-May through mid-August.According to an April article in ìThe Gazette,î Kolben Preble of Mild2Wild said, ìWe will see rapids we havenít seen in close to 10 years.î This is good for rafting enthusiasts and the Colorado economy.However, a big snow year doesnít mean we can rest easy when it comes to water issues. We have an article this month by a Black Forest group addressing wells, aquifers and other water issues in Black Forest. Be sure to check it out on Pg. .Congratulations to all the high school seniors who are graduating this year. You made it! And congrats to the parents as well. We have given a nod to the valedictorians and salutatorians from Black Forest, Peyton and Falcon in this issue.As of May 2018, high school graduation rates in the U.S. are better than ever. At 84 percent, more than four out of five high school students earn a diploma, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.A U.S. News and World Report in May of this year cited the top 100 high schools across the country. About half of the top 100 public high schools are traditional public schools; 26 are magnet schools; 22 are charter schools. One top 100 school was designated by the U.S. Department of Education as both charter and magnet. None of the high schools in Colorado made the top 100 list. Falcon High School ranked at No. 162 within Colorado. FHS ranked #9,397 in national rankings. You can find the rankings at celebrations include Fatherís Day on June 16. June 6 is D Day World War II ó the largest amphibious invasion in history. June 14 is Flag Day, the anniversary of the adoption in 1777 of the Stars and Stripes as the official U.S. flag. June 19 is Juneteenth Day ó the oldest celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers in Galveston, Texas, announced the war was over and the slaves were free. June 21 is Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.Wouldnít you like to know how the last few decades will be viewed in the history books? I wonder what ìcommemorationsî will be celebrated in 40 years.Finally, I would like to congratulate our editor, Marylou, and her husband, Denny. They just became first-time grandparents. Atlas William Bride was born May 17 in Aspen; his parents are Cody and Brenna Bride.Happy Fatherís Day!See you in July!– Michelle

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