It is that time of the year again ó and Iím not referring to the holidays rapidly approaching. Nov. 6 is Election Day. And this is one of the most important elections of our time. The country is unquestionably divided. Will this election help unite the country? I donít know ó weíll see.And bringing it home, there are serious ballot measures up before voters this year. What strikes me is the wording on some of these proposals. I hope that before you go to the polls, you take the time to read the summaries of each measure because if you wait until Nov. 6 it will be way too confusing. For example, check out the actual ballot language of the D 49 measure addressing the mill levy.ìIn order to decrease the current mill levy override rate of 19.081 mills to 18.500 mills, shall school district 49 (El Paso County Colorado School District 49) mill levy override taxes be $16.5 million in 2018 for collection in 2019 and whatever amounts as may be generated annually thereafter by the imposition of a mill levy not to exceed 18.500 mills for the purposed approved by the voters in 2014 and 2016?îWhat? Maybe itís me, but how about using fewer words, and what about using sensible words and phrases, instead of ìshall,î ìthereafter by the imposition,î ìpurposed approved?î Most ballot initiatives are stated this way ó why?I also think the placement of the initiatives is important. Take the two proposals for the Public Safety Sales and Use Tax and the Falcon Fire Protection District. The first ballot measure is placed right above the FFPD ballot measure on the ballot, and it could affect the outcome of the FFPD ballot measure.The county has put forth a measure to extend the increase of .23 percent in county sales and use tax that was approved in 2012. The revenue generated from that measure ìwas dedicated to public safety purposes within the EPC sheriffís office.î Further, the monies approved went to hiring deputies, etc., and to ìpurchase additional wildland firefighting apparatusî and upgrade emergency operations facilities and equipment.î OK, the next ballot measure addresses the mill levy increase for the FFPD, asking voters to approve a mill levy increase that would fund an ambulance to improve 911 response times and also add more firefighters.It could be confusing with two ballots addressing firefighting issues. The FFPD does not receive funds from the Public Safety Sales and Use Tax; however, wildland frefighting teams do receive the money.Again, there is good reason to understand these ballot measures before going to the polls.Hopefully, we have helped clarify those ballot measures with articles by Lindsey Harrison and Robin Widmar (on the FFPD news page). Donít forget to check out the Black Forest page for information on the Black Forest Fire and Rescue ballot measure.On another note: Oy is the only thing I can say about todayís political atmosphere. I donít remember anything like the division we are experiencing in this country. Itís sad. Itís chaotic. Itís ugly. Was this kind of atmosphere what started the Civil War? One Pulitzer Prize winning author, James McPherson, wrote that the ìCivil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave statesî Ö and so on. Uncompromising differences ó that phrase certainly mirrors todayís climate among Americans ó among friends and families. That said, voting is all we have. No matter what side you are on, we do have a voice. Mid-term elections normally donít get the percentage of voters that presidential elections do, but this year could be different. So, please vote. You do make a difference.This month, we donít have our usual problem intersection article because at the last minute the Colorado State Patrol sent us statistics that needed a rocket scientist to read them. They promised to send us a clarification next month. Finally, it is October, which means Halloween, our first snow (maybe), cider, caramel apples and pumpkin lattes; little kids in costumes; and beautiful moons. Have a great month!See you in November.– Michelle
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