Thanksgiving – a holiday many of us look forward to every year for the fabulous food and opportunity to spend time with family and close friends. No matter how difficult times are, most of us can be grateful for our family, friends, a roof over our heads and full stomachs. I am thankful, too, for this wonderful job where I have the privilege of working with kind, generous, intelligent and thoughtful co-workers.By the time this issue is in your hands, the November election will be over. I am really thankful for that! The phone has stopped ringing, the constant barrage of negative commercials on TV and radio are over, and my recycle bin won’t be such a load to haul to the end of the driveway every week from campaign mail. And what I’d most love to be able to say this time next year is that I’m thankful to live in a country where our elected officials work together to solve the problems facing our nation. It would be refreshing to engage in debate with passion, open minds and a willingness to be innovative about solutions.Have you been surprised by a child lately? Kids are inherently thoughtful and caring about people around them. Take Emilee Marten, for instance, whom Lindsey Harrison writes about in our new feature, Young Rising Stars. Emilee has taken on breast cancer awareness and fundraising in her school for a special reason. Maybe kids should run the country.Thanksgiving is great because there are no gifts to purchase, and the only stress is about the logistics of getting everyone to the table with enough places set and having ample food to feed the masses. My most favorite part of this season is Sinkie Day, the day after Thanksgiving. It’s a celebration that involves partaking of Thanksgiving leftovers over the sink. We need more holidays like that!The team at the NFH is thankful for you, our readers, and this great community. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving (don’t forget to celebrate Sinkie Day), and we’ll see you in December!-Deb, Michelle and the NFH Team
From the NFH Team
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