The New Falcon Herald has served as a voice for Falcon and communities in eastern El Paso County for more than five years. But we couldn’t publish the paper without the support of businesses that advertise and the residents who read the paper. The NFH team also appreciates the tips we get from residents who suggest story ideas relevant to our community. You are our eyes and ears, and we appreciate you contacting the paper about events, breaking news and interesting people in our community.In this issue, read about people who may live right next door – a high school graduate who auditioned for a popular television talent competition, candidates vying to fill the position of exiting Falcon School District 49 Board of Education members, a local artist with big dreams – and businesses that have put down roots in the area.With local communities recently hit hard from foreclosures and shuttered businesses, there may be a glimmer of light at the end of the economic tunnel. News that the housing market could be on the rebound puts a tax credit for first-time home buyers in the limelight. But, the window of opportunity is closing. Read details about how this tax credit has benefited both the economy and home buyers, and how to take advantage of the credit before it’s too late.Because the paper flies of the stands quickly, you may miss out on the latest issue. To guarantee a copy, sign up for a subscription. Turn to page 27 for a subscription order form – cut it out and mail it in.Again, thank you for your continued support. We look forward to bringing the NFH to the community for years to come. Be sure to check out the NFH Web site at to view a list of advertisers and the current issue.– Stefani, Michelle and the NFH team