‘Tis the season of giving. I am not referring to the giving we prepare to do as we tromp through a multitude of stores or surf online for the perfect gifts for our loved ones. It may sound clichÈ, but the season of giving is also a time to extend a sense of holiday spirit to others. No matter if the anticipated holiday is Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa; many people are directing their good deeds toward those who are less fortunate.Helping others could include digging deeper into our pockets as we walk by the bell ringers, sending food to schools as they gather items for feasts at various shelters, donating time to causes that aid those in need or extending a feeling of goodwill to our neighbors.Examples of the spirit of giving during this holiday season are demonstrated throughout this issue of The New Falcon Herald.On Nov. 11, a local hero was honored. Read Kathleen Wallace’s story about the Veteran’s Day tribute in Falcon. Kathleen also reports on the recognition of another local hero – a Peyton firefighter.Natalie Gowen writes about a local organization that lends a hand to “heroes” in our community.Also, check out the community calendar for ways to become involved with a service organization or to participate in local events that help others, not only during the holidays, but also throughout the year.Tis the season!!! Happy holidays from all of us.– Stefani, Michelle and the NFH team