The Colorado Department of Education has released data showing the statewide graduation rate for the class of 2011 increased, compared to last year. In Falcon School District 49, we are proud to announce our four-year graduation rate improved 2 percent, up to 83.39 percent for the 2010-11 school year.While the district is above the stateís graduation rate expectation, D 49 is striving for continued improvement. By focusing on strategically diverse offerings for students, the districtís goal is to ensure every classroom addresses the needs of 21st century learners.In addition, the state again saw a decrease in the dropout rate. This is Coloradoís sixth consecutive year for reducing its dropout rate ñ and when compared to data from just six years ago, our state has 5,000 fewer students dropping out than in the 2005-06 school year. Our districtís dropout rate is outstanding, far exceeding the state expectation.The district attributes these gains in graduation rate and reduction in dropout rate to effective teacher strategies that are generating high student interest, tapping into studentsí curiosity and allowing them to be creative. The diversity of educational opportunities available through the districtís Innovation Initiative provides programs, academies and learning environments that engage students. I look forward to your continued support for our students!I am excited to share that we have already seen an enthusiastic response with the opening of the District 49 Choice Enrollment Window. Our district offers every child a path to greatness, and we look forward to helping families make the right choices for their children. Our Choice Enrollment Window has been extended to March 30, providing families an opportunity to learn about their options and make important decisions about education. Each Innovation Zone in D 49 provides unique opportunities for the 21st century learner.The choices and opportunities for learning allow every student a path to reach his or her greatest potential. You may find additional information on Choice Enrollment and all of D 49ís educational options at D 49 2010-11 Annual Report to the Public is now available, and I invite you to take a look at the data it provides. We are each aware of the outstanding work going on throughout our district and in our classrooms; however, this report allows us to measure that performance and benchmark our achievement. Overall, our district saw great growth across a range of subjects in many schools and grade levels.We continue to see exciting opportunities for learning developing through the Innovation Initiative. The goal is for these innovative strategies to impact student achievement as Falcon School District 49 strives to be the top-performing district in the state.In addition, the annual report allows us to see where we need to target our efforts with specific groups of students who are not performing at the same rate as others. The educational focus is on making sure every student is achieving to his or her fullest potential. D 49 uses this comprehensive report to set goals for improvement and raise standards. I hope you are able to use this information to gain an educated perspective on the progress of the district and all of our schools.In working recently with our Nutrition Services Department, I am thrilled to say our students are being served the best meals possible to fuel their brains so they can learn. Currently, our school lunch program has transitioned away from highly processed convenience foods to made-from-scratch cooking. Whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables are offered daily. All-natural ground beef has been introduced into our school lunches and the Harvest of the Month program highlights a new fruit or vegetable, providing families with information and recipes to try at home. Deep fat fryers have been removed from our cafeterias, and trans-fats have been virtually eliminated from all menu items. It is wonderful to see our nutrition services team leading the way for healthy school meals and helping our students build healthy habits!