By Kevin Curry
As you may have read elsewhere in this edition of The New Falcon Herald, Friends of Falcon held their second in-person meeting in April. With the efforts and contributions of board members, including Tonni Sultana, Yvonne Shell and Janet McMonigal, the meeting was a success and was very informative. Sheriff’s department officers Lt. Josh Seiter and Sgt. Jason Haag gave an update on the new Sheriff’s substation that will be built near the Falcon Fire Station not far from Meridian and Stapleton. They then gave generously of their time to discuss traffic and other issues facing our residents. Of note, when asked how residents could best support the department, the answer was quick and simple, “Slow down!” Officer Haag said that three of the top five intersections for crashes are on Meridian, and speeding on Woodmen Road is rampant.
Following their question and answer period, Friends of Falcon Board members asked about any interest in setting up an annual event to highlight the Falcon area. Most in attendance thought it is better to piggyback on Falcon Freedom Days before trying to create something new. With that decided, County Commissioner Carrie Geitner took questions and provided updates on area issues and priorities. Subsequent to the meeting, Sergeant Haag and Commissioner Geitner observed traffic enforcement and talked more about areas of concern, future surges, DUI enforcement, click it or ticket campaigns, and the Sheriff’s strategic plan. Moving forward, Friends of Falcon plans to have in-person meetings probably on a quarterly basis, so look for an announcement about the next one, and stop by the booth at Falcon Freedom Days and maybe at the El Paso County Fair in July! In the meantime, learn more about Friends of Falcon by visiting the website at
Friends of Falcon is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the Falcon area and preserving its unique identity.