Submitted by Kevin Curry, President
Friends of Falcon had an in-person meeting Aug. 10 at JAKs Brewing Co. in Falcon, and heard from guest speakers Larry Sparks with the Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce and Jarvis Caldwell, State Representative nominee, District 20. For a summary of their remarks, please see Jon Huang’s article on Pg. …
Following Mr. Sparks’ remarks, Kevin Curry (Friends of Falcon chair) used the information as a segue to discuss similar efforts Friends of Falcon is undertak-ing. He noted that demographic data for the Falcon area is necessary to attract businesses but two sources recently came to light that shows the 80831 Zip Code (a good proxy for the Falcon area) has a population of about 38,000 people residing in over 12,600 homes. Friends of Falcon intends to use those figures to reach out to corporate headquarters of needed businesses and services, and to advocate for the Falcon area with County Boards and Commissions.
Mr. Curry then invited questions and comments. One person asked how ex-actly Friends of Falcon hoped to have any influence on development and other mat-ters. Kevin responded that the key is engagement. Friends of Falcon monitors County sites for development and other issues affecting area residents and notifies members of opportunities to testify via the website and email distributions. Though not discussed explicitly at the meeting, the key to success is strength in numbers. The more people that make their voices heard at County meetings, the more likely representatives will be to take the perspectives into consideration. Friends of Fal-con hopes all readers will join them via the email list signup on their webpage at and hopes area residents will attend meetings. Those meetings will now be held approximately every two months, with the next one tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Nov 2 (time and location TBD). The Falcon Fire Protection District and Falcon Senior Services are invited guest speakers. Friends of Falcon hopes to see you there!