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Health and Wellness

Five rewards of a 5K

Have you ever considered running a 5K? The benefits may surprise you.A 5K race is 3.1 miles, the perfect distance for beginning runners. It’s a realistic, attainable goal that’s fun and satisfying to achieve.Here are five rewards to reap.1) Toned legs: Runners have awesome legs – muscular, toned and tan. Training for a 5K will get you on pace for your own set of lean limbs.

  • Calves: Not the easiest to tone in the gym, these lanky muscles are quickly toned by running. A proper runner’s stride has your foot landing in a rolling motion, heel to toe. As you push off with your toe, feel a firm contraction in the calves. Push your calves to the limit by running in sand or gravel. No thumping! You know your stride is stiff when you hear a thumping sound with each step. Lightly rolling your foot from heel to toe takes pressure off the lower back. Thumping feet leads to a sore back.
  • Glutes: Running is a great way to firm up the glutes. To raise them, take your training to the hills or do bleacher runs.
  • Thighs: Running does wonders for shaping and slimming your thighs, right where it counts.
2) Support a causeBy participating in a 5K you get in shape while supporting a cause; many 5K races are put on by charities or nonprofit organizations. It’s a great way to raise funds and community awareness through your involvement.3) Flatten your absRunning burns a massive amount of calories. You’ll find your body quickly morphing into that of a lean athlete. Be careful not to over-compensate the extra calories burned by eating too many carbs. Manage portions to reap the most belly-shrinking benefits.While running is an amazing way to transform your body, running alone won’t deliver complete results. Resistance training is an equally important part of the equation. With resistance training you get:
  • Raised metabolism: Resistance training raises your metabolism for an extended period of time, even after the workout is finished. This means more calories burned. Resistance training also adds muscle, which raises resting metabolism to burn even more calories when not exercising.
  • Upper body muscle tone: While running is great for adding lower body muscle tone, it won’t do much for the upper body. Resistance training targets the muscles of the upper body to create a symmetric physique.
  • Muscle confusion: With resistance training, there are endless variations of movements to do to keep muscles guessing. Never allow your routine to grow stale by doing the same motions over and over again.
4) Make new friendsAthletic endeavors are a relaxing way to make new friends and form connections within the community. Join a local running group to assist your training or start your own group of 5K hopefuls in the neighborhood. Your group could run the 5K together for support. Who knows, you may make new friends for life.5) Start a habitAlthough you may find it hard to believe, especially if you haven’t yet run your first 5K, racing is addicting. The satisfaction of accomplishing your goal, along with the exciting changes in your body, will likely lead to another race. It’s not farfetched that you’ll build your training to run a marathon.Running is great, but as we touched on above, resistance training is essential for achieving outstanding results. The best way to get into amazing shape is with a challenging and dynamic exercise routine.5K successTo ensure that your 5K goes great:
  • Consult your doctor. You should always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine, and training for a 5K is no exception. Once your doctor gives you the green light, then jump in with your training.
  • Train smart. Gradually increase your mileage over a few weeks or months. Start by running for 10 to 15 minutes and then slowly increase to a full 5K.
  • Stay hydrated. It’s always important to keep your body properly hydrated, especially when your activity level has increased. Drink water before and after each run, as well as throughout the day.
RECIPE OF THE MONTHSmoked Salmon WrapSalmon is a rich source of omega 3 and protein. Couple that with a sprouted grain tortilla and fresh arugula, and you’ve got yourself a healthy, balanced meal that’s ready in only 5 minutes.Servings: 2Ingredients:1 sprouted grain tortilla1 tablespoon low fat cream cheese4 oz. smoked salmon1/2 cup arugulaDash of salt and pepperSpread the cream cheese evenly over one side of the tortilla. Place the salmon in the center of the tortilla. Top with arugula. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Roll the tortilla and slice in half.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 175 calories, 6g fat, 12.5g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 16.5g protein.David Corder

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