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Letters to the Editor

Finding a good candidate

I am concerned that the Republican Party is losing its core values. I want to support a candidate for U.S. Congress who won’t forget our conservative ideas once they get to Washington. The best way to know what someone will do is by what they’ve done. So I looked to see if one of them had a track record of withstanding the pressure of the media and cultural elite who try to paint conservative ideas as minority, fringe or extreme. Someone who has defended the taxpayer when other Republican elected officials wanted to increase taxes or forget the rights of the unborn? Gladly, there is one.State Sen. Doug Lamborn has a 12-year record of boldly and confidently representing our beliefs without hesitation. Sen. Lamborn passed the largest tax cut in Colorado history and fiercely opposed Ref. C & D. Colorado Union of Tax Payers rated Lamborn the Senates top tax and budget cutter. Sen. Lamborn is the only proven leader on illegal immigration. He fought to eliminate state funds to illegal aliens, opposes amnesty and wants increased border security to prevent terrorism. Sen. Lamborn has worked to protect the rights of unborn children. Colorado Right to Life gave Lamborn a 100 percent rating as a pro-life legislator. He fought for legislation to preserve traditional marriage and worked to keep explicit materials away from our children.I think he will make a great U.S. Congressman.John Vander MeulenFalcon

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